Can a man experience an orgasm without ejaculating?


In men, orgasm and ejaculation almost always go together and many people think that’s why the two are exactly the same thing. But they are not! Orgasm is the peak of pleasure that man feels in a sexual relationship. After that, there is an abrupt drop in the stimulus, which, in general, corresponds to a loss of erection and the need for a certain “recovery time” before the second half.

Ejaculation is the release of sperm from the penis. In the “hour H”, there is a contraction of the muscles that are in the genital region and this muscular pressure facilitates the expulsion of the semen. Although it is not very common, it is possible to enjoy without ejaculating – and also the opposite, to ejaculate without experiencing orgasm. Let’s go by parts: a man is able to have ejaculated many times in a single day and be practically without «stored» sperm. Thus, he can reach the fourth or fifth climax without releasing even a bit of semen. Men who take some types of antidepressants can also take much longer to release sperm, and it is possible to even experience an orgasm without ejaculation happening. The same goes for those who underwent surgeries that touched nerves in the genital region.

The opposite, the expulsion of the sperm without the climax, can occur with those who suffer from premature ejaculation. It sometimes happens so fast that the subject doesn’t even feel the peak of pleasure. At other times, the man may have such low sexual stimulation that he will ejaculate without fully experiencing an orgasm.

* Jairo Bouer is a psychiatrist and scholar of human sexuality

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