is a dog seriously ill or for other reasons very weakeuthanasia is sometimes the only solution to him to get rid of his suffering.
For his human companion and especially children however, it often is incredibly heartbreaking. How nice would it be if you could get your beloved four-legged friend afterwards just bring it back could.
But can a dog wake up after being put to sleep? You can find the answer to this question and others here.
Can a dog wake up after being put to sleep?
Is the dog first been euthanizedunfortunately he can afterwards not wake up again.
At euthanasia, which known in technical jargon as euthanasia is, become special medicines used to both the heartbeat and breathing of the dog to standstill bring to.
This causes the dog as completely dead is applicable. He can therefore not be revived by resuscitation.
For the four-legged friend, this is a relaxed and painless process, because he is under a strong anesthetic during the euthanasia.
Even if it difficultin many cases a euthanasia is the best and animal-loving decision.
How does dog euthanasia work?
The euthanasia can either in animal practice or at home happen.
First the dog a strong anesthetic given. This brings the four-legged friend, similar to an operationin a deep sleepin which he also no pain feels more.
If the dog is very excited, you can give it a light anesthetic beforehand so that it can calm down.
First when the anesthetized state is reached is, the dog gets a high dose of the sleeping pill administered, which then brings his vital signs to a standstill and thus to one peaceful death leads.
How long does euthanasia take?
The Sleeping happens fairly quickly and is including the anesthetic administration within 15 to 30 minutes accomplished.
Exactly how long it takes depends on how the anesthesia affects the dog and how strongly he reacts to the sleeping pill.
The The well-being of the animal is also the focus of euthanasia and the vet office team takes the time to understand the process relaxed and species-appropriate for the dog to be able to carry out.
Should I be present at the euthanasia?
Even if it emotionally challenging can be, it is advisable present at the euthanasia to be.
Dogs are very sensitive animals and quickly notice when their owners are upset and they find themselves in a serious situation.
For the sake of the fur nose should at least one family member be present to him caress and soothe.
If the Euthanasia in the veterinary practice takes place, can Blankets or familiar toys from home be brought so that the dog feel good can.
If you wish, you can leave the room as soon as the dog is in a deep sleep after the administration of the anesthetic.
However, it is better until the end of the entire process at his dog’s side to stay.
What happens after euthanasia?
What to do after euthanasia the body of the four-legged friend happens is whole the wish of the holder leave.
If you want, you can use the body take home and to bury him there or in a pet cemetery, for example.
Good to know:
Not in all communities is it allowed to bury your dog in the garden. Often there is regulationswhich must be observed.
You can find out about local regulations from the municipal council or veterinarian.
Should he dog cremated become, he can taken to an undertaker be, which then takes care of everyone organizational components takes care.
If there is no precise wish as to what should happen to the dog after euthanasia, the veterinarian can pass it on for carcass disposal.
Coping with grief: When the beloved four-legged friend has to go
The death of a pet is for many no less painfulthan the death of a man.
Sufficient time should be taken for the mourning phase and one’s own feelings should not be pushed away.
If you want, you can Look at photos of the dog and light candlesthe common run walkies or just yourself talk to his loved ones about the furry nose.
Surely there is in your own community Dog owners who do experiences with euthanasia have done and offer consolation can.
On the internet there is many forumsin which exchange about it can.
Children should always be told what is happening and why it had to happen.
It’s important with them open and honest above the associated emotions to communicate and also to admit that you too are very sad is.
Although a euthanasia one difficult decision and very sad is, it is unavoidable in many cases.
With the help of Expertise of veterinarians and the own presence however, it can be assured that it painful and painless for the dog expires.
Have you ever had to put a dog to sleep? How did it go and what helped you to cope with the grief afterwards? Feel free to share it with others in the comments!