Calming Puppies: Tips, Tricks & Recommendations

5. Don't play too wildly with your four-legged friend

Puppies have an extremely strong instinct to play, which you definitely have to encourage: it's not just for fun, but also for the development of the little four-legged friend. In this way he gets to know his limits and continues to receive motor and mental training.

The young animals like to let themselves go and play quite wildly. This is often not just their “fault”, if things get too tough, they usually play too human play partners a role.

Daniel Joeres from Doguniversity on etiquette when playing with puppies. Source: Doguniversity /

Some people find it very cute when the lively puppy snaps and scratches or even uses his teeth and even encourage him to do this behavior. But this gives the animal a… set the wrong example he then learns that wild behavior is normal and even wanted.

If your dog child gets too boisterous while playing, you have to shift down a gear. This also reduces the risk of injury – an unfortunate fall could have serious consequences for puppies too.

6. Don't scold excessively

Many dog ​​owners think that they have to be strict with their puppies so that they develop into a problem-free family member. They tend to get loud and scold their young protégé quite strongly.

Of course, at some point the four-legged friends have to understand the meaning of “No!” learn. If you are there you act too loudly, But it can also achieve the opposite.

Puppies are also very empathetic animals and are guided by the behavior of their owner. If their caregiver is excited, they take this as an invitation to turn the wheel too. So you're well advised balanced role model to be.

7. Pet puppies carefully

It is very important that you and your puppy cuddle extensively and caress him. That gives him security and strengthens the relationship between you and the new family member.

During a petting session, you will probably have noticed that your protégé reacts differently to certain touches: sometimes he relaxes and quickly falls asleep, while at other movements he reacts wildly and then suddenly becomes very excited and hyperactive.

You have to remember these experiences: If you you caress “correctly”, This can be a very loving and relaxing reassurance.

8. Early command training

Can also contribute to more discipline and thus peace of mind Age- and species-appropriate command training. The puppy learns in a playful way to obey even in critical situations. Important basic terms like “Sit!”, “Down!” “Off!” and “No!” should be the first priority.

Many animal lovers think that a puppy is not yet able to follow commands. But that is a fallacy: When a young animal is taken over by a breeder, it is typically at least 6 to 8 weeks old – they are in this socialization phase particularly receptive and adaptable.

The dog not only learns to be obedient, but also concentration. If he gets too wild, you can e.g. hit him with a “Sit!” Calm command well.

9. Encourage the dog's urge to explore

But many puppies are also excited because of them boring is or she is frustrated feel. This is often because their urge to explore is slowed down.

Young dogs like to explore a lot, in this respect they are very similar to human children. If you forbid them everything now, they will get angry and often react to other things.

That's why: You should Encourage your loved one's curiositydon't brake. Once he gets to know something, he knows better and then takes things a little easier. Of course, this does not apply to cases in which there is a risk of property damage or danger.

10. Chew toys

But dogs also calm down when you talk to them distract. A nice way to let the puppy relax a bit Chew toys. They not only keep the little four-legged friend busy, but also help him to survive the change of teeth better.

Chew & rope toys

Chew toys are designed for the dog to spend time alone and calm down. Things are completely different Pull or rope toys from: Although it also promotes dental skills, the animal does not relax and often becomes even wilder.

These models are usually made of very robust rubber or similar materials. While the puppy is chewing on them, you should always keep an eye on the animal: The wear rate is high, toys swallowed as foreign objects can cause suffocation.

11. Throwing/retrieving toys

It is particularly helpful in conjunction with training Throwing toys. The puppy is then playfully taught to catch an object and give it back to you – on command and with treats as a reward.

At first, a game like this can make your four-legged friend quite wild. With time and the necessary consistency, the young animal also learns discipline. In the long term, things calm down more – also because the physical activity helps them to really work off their energy.

12. intelligence toy

It also provides distraction and mental workload intelligence toy. There are some products that are also suitable for puppies, such as sniffing mats and certain strategy games. If they are age-appropriate, they also help with the development of the little four-legged friend.

You can also find further information in our “intelligence toy” comparison.

13. Diet adjustment

Puppies have significantly higher calorie needs than adult dogs. This is one of the reasons why they need special food. Unfortunately, not all varieties have an optimal composition: Calories, which mainly come from, are ideal for young animals high quality proteins consist.

But these cost. Some manufacturers are therefore giving up Carbohydratesespecially grain, as a source of energy. On the one hand, these are better than their reputation – as omnivores, puppies can digest them well as long as there is no food allergy.

Carbohydrates are converted into glucose in the body and thus provide the animal with a quickly available source of energy. But some puppies go crazy and become hyperactiveuntil the sugar level drops rapidly again.

In this case, one may be able to Diet adjustmentfor example switching to a grain-free or particularly high-protein puppy food, can help.

14. Minimize stimuli

Puppies already have excellently developed senses that would later help them in the wild, especially when hunting.

Her sleuth smells interesting smells from very long distances, they can hear sounds, that we humans don't notice at all. The eyes of dogs are particularly good at detecting and reacting to rapid movements within fractions of a second.

Example ways to reduce stimuli

  • Slower movements
  • Reduce volume (e.g. television, speakers)
  • First walks on paths with little hustle and bustle (hardly any dogs, passers-by, etc.)
  • Only a few caregivers at a time (not everyone is allowed to pet the dog at the same time)
  • Close blinds/curtains/blinds (reduces movement stimuli such as birds or animals passing by).

Accordingly, the little four-legged friends are very susceptible to stimuli that their Trigger hunting instincts. If you try to take this away from them at least a little, chances are good that the puppy will soon behave a little calmer.

However, you shouldn't misunderstand this: puppies need stimuli in order to develop appropriately. However, you have to act carefully to do this Not to flood the young animal and ultimately overwhelm.

15. Relaxing music

Instead, it is important to find out what appeals to a four-legged friend trigger positively. Puppies also like certain things that make them “come down” – you have to find out what those are because tastes vary from animal to animal.

Some dog owners have had excellent experiences with this, their protégé relax with soft classical music allow. Especially when there is sensory overload, for example when it is very loud outside, many dogs react very relaxed to such sounds.

Nice CD for puppies and adult four-legged friends

The “Soothing Music for Dogs” CD by the Electric Air Project contains 7 tracks that are between 8 and 15 minutes long. According to animal lovers who have chosen this compilation, the calm and relaxing songs have an excellent effect on their charges.

16. Massages

Others, however, swear by it gentle massages: Just as there are parts of the body that animals are very allergic to, there are also places where they like to be touched and often even fall asleep quickly.

Dog physiotherapist Tobias from mydog365 with some tips for relaxing massages. Source: mydog365 / .

It's worth experimenting a bit here: Some puppies love having their ears scratched, others are a fan of belly massages.

17. Playtime with peers

Many puppies react very wildly due to insecurity coupled with a lack of experience: Without appropriate socialization Unfamiliar contacts quickly seem scary to them. Encounters with other dogs, for example, quickly lead to excessive demands and undesirably wild behavior.

When puppies arrive at their new family, they are in the middle of the socialization phase. They then actively approach other dogs and learn how to get along with them.

It is therefore advisable to encourage this behavior carefully. Many dog ​​schools offer puppy play lessons, where the four-legged friends can let off steam together. In this way, the young animal gets used to other dogs and reacts much more relaxed to unexpected contacts.

18. Introduce dogs to other people

The same applies to contact with people: When puppies arrive in their family, they quickly accept their human caregivers as their replacement pack.

With strangers, however, things are different: Unusual human contacts can quickly overwhelm the four-legged friend and cause the animal to go crazy.

That's why it's advisable, too working on socialization with strangers. Introduce the four-legged friends to friends and give the dog time to get to know them. The following applies: initially, not too many people should be around the animal at the same time; your friends should also treat the little one calmly and respectfully.

19. Enough sleep for the puppy

Puppies need a lot of rest periods: They fall asleep significantly more often and for longer periods of time than adult animals Workload of 18 or even 20 hours a day is completely normal.

Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners underestimate…