Calm bottle: the method that helps children reduce stress – Online Psychologists

The calm bottle is the perfect tool for the most nervous children. They are bottles filled with water and glitter whose ultimate goal is to help children calm down. guide your feelingsespecially when they are angry or stressed.

It is a technique inspired by the Montessori methodcharacterized by promoting an orderly, real and aesthetic environment for the development of children. Thus, we try to help the self-control and the emotional self-regulation of our children. Educating the little ones in emotional management is very important and this technique will be able to help you at home.

Make a calm bottle step by step

To make this bottle you can choose to make it yourself or create a small craft workshop with the little ones in the house so that they feel included in the process and can see their work materialized. The materials you need for the calm jar are the following:

  • A glass jar or a clear plastic bottle without labels.
  • Glitter or small shiny objects of the child's choice, preferably in light tones, as they are more relaxing.
  • Clear glue. Body oil or glycerin can also be used.
  • Warm or hot tap water.
  • Food coloring to color the water (optional).
  • A tablespoon and another for dessert or coffee.

There are 5 steps you have to follow alone or with your child to make your own calm bottle:

  1. Pour the water into the glass jar or plastic bottle until it fills half of the container. It is more advisable use a plastic bottle in case the child is very small, since if it breaks, he or she could get hurt.
  2. Add two tablespoons of glue. Keep in mind that the more glue you add, the longer it will take for the glitter to descend and thus have a more calming effect.
  3. Next, let your child choose the color of glitter they like best and add about 3-4 teaspoons of glitter to the water. Stir well so that the glitter mixes with the water and glue.
  4. Add two or three drops of food coloring to give color to the water. Try to use a soft color so that the relaxing effect is greater.
  5. To finish the craft, fill the bottle with more water, almost to the top. Then, put the lid on and close it tightly so that the water doesn't spill out when you shake the bottle. You can put silicone on the lid so that the liquid does not spill.

The benefits of this tool

The main function of the calm bottle is that the child when he finds himself in a situation that do not know how to manage and get frustrated resulting in anger and rageShake the bottle with all your might and, while shaking it, release the accumulated emotional tensions and, when these are reduced and you stop shaking the bottle, the movement of the glitter slowly descending will relax the child.

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It is also a very effective technique to stimulate concentration and selective attentionOn the other hand, it is a very effective method to treat childhood anxiety disorder and the hyperactivitybut it can also be useful in children with autism and behavioral problems.

Finally, it is a technique that is not exclusive only to children, adults can also benefit from it. This is demonstrated in the classes of mindfulness and yogawhere it is used to achieve the relaxation that is sought with the little ones.

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