Angels are celestial beings whose mysticism has become popular in recent years. Especially in Latin America, the belief in angels is a custom established by the well-known guardian angel, who has his own prayer that is usually prayed before going to sleep. Next, he will learn the fundamental principles of angelic protection as part of his spiritual growth.
Angels are studied in depth through the doctrine of Christian angelology. She refers to them as celestial creatures that were created along with the world, being divided between angels and fallen angels. The former serve God, while the latter group serve Satan, since they decided to follow him to hell during his rebellion.
In the New Testament, angels are referenced in the epistle of Ephesians and the epistle of Colossians. In both, the scheme of three hierarchies that divide the angels is developed. The first brings together the seraphim, cherubim and thrones. The second brings together the dominations, the virtues and the powers. The third brings together the principalities, the archangels and the angels.
Invoking angels goes beyond religion itself, this according to the angelologist, Karla Fernández, well, Historical records indicate that the Egyptians and the Hebrews also worshiped his heavenly power. “Records of angelic magic are known from the Egyptians and Hebrews, so this belief is a factor that is transmitted to various cultures and religions. For some they are messengers of God, for others they are the ones who help us if we need them.”
The sacred texts state that There are seven archangels who seek protection on Earth. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Samuel, Zadkiel and Jophiel, each one has a particular power, being contacted through meditation.
The first archangel, called Miguel, He is recognized for leading the army that defeated Satan, which is why in the face of conflicts or the need for courage to face difficulties, he is usually invoked. While, RaphaelIt is associated with the healing of diseases. It is pointed out to him that he received the so-called «Book of Medicine», so he resorts to the protection of physical and emotional health.
Gabriel he is the messenger of God, after having announced to Mary her immaculate conception. The purpose of it is urgent in cases of infertility, or to protect pregnant women. He is also pointed out properties to promote creativity and communication.
expeller of Adam and Eve from Eden, Uriel It takes care of learning on earth, helping in prosperity, and safeguarding the natural balance. Recognized as the archangel the love of God, Samuel It is the faithful companion that accompanies lonely souls. To achieve inner change, or fill the heart with peace, Zadkiel is the ideal archangel for this purpose, while Jophiel It is invoked in times of confusion because this archangel helps to make better decisions and gives light to the mind.