Calendula spiritual meaning and magical and medicinal properties

Calendula spiritual meaning We have recently received questions about the spiritual meaning and magical properties of calendula; flower closely related to esotericism and religion. In this sense, it is even associated with the Virgin Mary and is traditionally used in celebrations in her name.

Before analyzing more deeply the calendula spiritual meaning, we will detail its medicinal properties.


His healing power

Calendula is perhaps one of the most versatile herbs in the herbalist’s arsenal. Externally it is a fantastic herb for wounds and skin conditions as it stops bleeding and acts as an antiseptic when applied as a tincture or cream to wounds.

It is particularly good on infected wounds, cleaning the injury and slowly removing the pus. It is also useful on insect bites and sunburns, as well as scratches that can get dirty, such as those caused by cats or brambles and various thorny bushes and plants.

Likewise, calendula is good for rashes, especially those caused by hot, humid weather, and can be helpful in treating canker sores.

Taken internally, the plant works well with the lymph glands, and can resolve stubborn infections, soothe swollen glands, and cleanse the lymphatic system as a whole, making it a valuable herb for those suffering from rash skin conditions.

It also acts on the digestive system, and is particularly useful in the treatment of diseases caused by damage or alterations in liver function, since it reduces the high counts of enzymes caused by it, which makes it useful in the treatment of jaundice, hepatitis and cirrhosis, as well as being soothing to mucous membranes throughout the body, including the digestive system.

It is warm and soothing to the stomach, and can be used to treat gastric ulceration. The plant can also be used to relieve jaundice and gallbladder inflammation.

Calendula also acts as an emmenagogue, favoring menstruation, as well as relieving excessive period pain and normalizing the cycle.

It is very useful for women suffering from premenstrual syndrome, as it relieves the symptoms that cause this irritability, such as swelling, fluid retention and skin problems.

It is also a good ally in the treatment of pelvic congestion and the diseases it causes. During childbirth, calendula can be used to gently promote contractions and help deliver the placenta. Let’s see, then, the alendula spiritual meaning and magical properties.


Its spiritual and magical meaning

The bright yellow-orange petals of the marigold flower can be used in rituals to inspire optimism and vitality and attract success in all areas of life. Its protective energy dispels negativity and draws light and love into the energy field.

Drinking a tea made from the flowers of this magical plant can clear the aura of trauma fields and unwanted energetic attachments.

The magic of marigold is the magic of wealth, its potential, its attitude and its beauty. Blooming from early spring to late fall and even winter, Calendula has much to teach about maintaining wealth.

As a mentor and wise traveling companion, calendula spiritual meaning can show you how to recognize and create the conditions in which true wealth can repeatedly flourish.

If marigolds have entered your life, look forward to the many beautiful ways in which wealth can blossom for you, and be prepared to make whatever adjustments are necessary to maintain the conditions that best support those blossoms. The magic of marigold is the magic of wealth maintenance.

In astrology, Calendula is considered a masculine plant and is ruled by the Sun. Its element is Fire.


Bath to cleanse the aura with calendula

Below is the calendula how to use it, in this case, to carry out a bath to cleanse the aura.


1 handful of calendula

A liter of water

1 handful of orange leaves

A handful of rue

1 handful of rosemary

A bunch of eucalyptus

1 handful of lavender


Boil the ingredients for 10 minutes, let stand and strain. Take a normal bath and then use the water from this preparation as a rinse. While the rinse is performed, it is important to visualize that the aura is being cleaned of all the negative that it could have, removing physical and mental illnesses.


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