If you are looking for a beautiful and easy plant to take care, the Calathea Roseopicta It is indicated. It is a species with quite peculiar leaves and it is this trait the reason why all the seedlings of your family stand out. It is perfect to decorate interiors, providing color and texture, in addition to helping you create a fresh and relaxed atmosphere.
La Calathea Roseopicta is a fairly noble plantalthough, yes, a bit sensitive, therefore, you must give the necessary care (in addition to a lot of love) to remain in good condition. It will be very difficult for you to resist her, her pink tones will give a touch of tenderness to your home and you will love it.
The Calathea Roseopicta is originally from Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.Feey / Unspash
Characteristics of the Calathea Roseopicta
Calathea Roseopicta is popular for its beautiful leaves Dark green color with pink or red details on the top. The reason for your name. Their leaves have oval and lanceolate shape, and if you receive the corresponding care you can reach 30 to 60 centimeters.
It is a plant native to the tropical jungles of South Americaspecifically from Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela. The Calathea Roseopicta It develops with better comfort in warm and humid climates, where they can receive abundant indirect light through trees or other species that protect them from receiving direct sun.
Due to its colors, the leaves of the Calathea Roseopicta They are very delicate and you must take care of them very well to stay in good condition. Therefore, just as in its natural habitat, you should avoid direct light at all costs.
The meaning of Calathea represents the new beginnings.Magali Merzougui / Unspash
What is the meaning of Calathea
The Calathea has gone through various meanings according to its species, however, the one that has been assigned for years is to 'embark on a new beginning'. This interpretation comes from the unique capacity of this type of plant to open and close its leaves in response to the light, a movement that resembles symbolically when aroused or Start a new chapter in life.