Cabins for… The straw? – Vibrate

Do you think your boyfriend or husband masturbates? 39% of men have agreed to do it during office hours! For them they created these cabins.

Many years ago, when I had my first long-term relationship with a man, I was horrified to discover that despite frequent sexual contact with me, he was self-stimulating. I told my psychologist and he, with a smile on his face, explained that this was the most normal thing in the world, that men, in general, never stop doing it.

Now, many years later, I come across this news and it doesn’t surprise me so much, at least not at first glance. It turns out that in New York a kind of cabins intended for male intimacywhich would allow men who masturbate during work hours (39%, according to a study by Time Out survey) can do it in a comfortable and private place… Whaaaat?!

Note to self – Do NOT walk past E 28th. ‘GuyFi’ booth allows men to ‘relieve stress’ outside

— Nina Lin (@nlinphoto) January 16, 2016

«This installation is not an invitation to masturbate in public, on the contrary, it seeks to offer a private space outside the office environment, where men can enter and relax»A spokesperson for the company Hot Octopuss, who created and installed the GuyFi booths, told the Mashable portal.

Is it that men can’t stand it or what? Inside the cabin, as reported by several foreign media, whoever needs privacy will find a tablet with free internet. Could it be that some man has already used it for that straw thing?

Este #GuyFi booth just popped up in NYC data says 4 of every 10 men do this during office hours.. Really?????

— Piyush Pankaj (@piyushpankaj) January 15, 2016

Find out: Surely you did not know this about masturbation

Tell us, Do you know if your boyfriend or husband still falls into the temptation of handjob? Write us your answer in the comments of this note.