Cabalistic symbols of protection (magical, esoteric and occult)

yescabalistic symbols of protection / esoteric and occult symbols Since ancient times there have been symbols that have a magical meaning and that are interesting to know as well as the power they can have, especially with regard to protection.

Some of them the swastika, tao, the eye, among others.

Some of them are detailed below:


Which are?

yescabalistic symbols Protection #1: The Swastika Cross Although many people consider it to be of relatively recent origin, due to the deplorable celebrity it gained during World War II, the use of the swastika as a magical symbol dates back. However, to the first Chinese dynasties and ancient Hindu shamans, and according to some authors, it can be traced much further back, to the Neolithic period.

Since those ancient times, the cross Gamada has appeared in countless temples, buildings, tombs and mausoleums in all cultures, and is even used today, in some sects and religions, as a sign to attract good luck. This total diffusion throughout the entire planet clearly suggests a common origin, of which humanity has today lost all possible traces.

In Sanskrit it is called «provider of good fortune», and in some ancient Saxon languages ​​it was defined as ‘the wheel of law’, referring to the law of periodicity by which the cyclical repetitions of history are governed, responding to the connection between cause and effect.

According to some esoteric schools, the swastika is the graphic representation of the fact that we reap what we sow, and that present circumstances and lives are only consequences of past causes and lives. For these schools, the swastika involves the idea of ​​the evolution or involution of the human soul marked by acts, experiences and cyclical behaviors of the past.


yescabalistic symbols Protection #2: Tau or Ta Like the swastika, it is, even today, a universal symbol, although it is subject to numerous variables, according to the times, geographical locations, religions and the purposes for which it has been used. The simplest form consists of a vertical line, crossed by a horizontal line about a third of the way up, forming a capital letter “T”. Over time, each of the horizontal arms and the upper vertical were cut in turn by a line each that transformed it in turn into another cross similar to the main one, which was called ‘Triple Tau’, and gave rise to the emblem of the Rosicrucians.

According to some authors, the tau symbol comes from the Ankh of the Egyptians, a term that indicates the conjugation of the first person singular of the verb to be, and means «I am», used in the sense of life. Ankh was in turn the term used for one of the two crossed scepters on the chest of the images of Osiris, with which the god granted life and governed the floods of the Nile River.

Adopted and adapted by the Greek philosophers, fervent admirers of the Egyptian culture, Ankh was transformed into the Greek letter tau, later passing to Rome and the West, where it was used in the clothes and shields of most of the kings and ecclesiastics of the ages. later, as the epitome of life and power.


yescabalistic symbols Protection #3: Pentacles They are five-pointed stars inscribed in a pentagon. They constitute the symbol of Man, and contain within them everything that is desired for him, or the evils from which he wants to be protected.

A pentacle enclosed in a circle is one of the most powerful symbols, since it represents Man protected by an impenetrable bubble, which no harm or evil intention can pass through. It is said that this combined symbol is widely used by the followers of Black Magic, in order to protect the officiant from the very demons that he intends to conjure.


yescabalistic symbols Protection #4: Inscriptions and Names. The esoteric names and inscriptions mentioned on talismans generally corresponded to the deities worshiped by the maker, and to the purpose of the talisman. However, gods from other religions and mythologies were sometimes invoked, such as the Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, etc.

Rabbi Solomon’s pentacle and the seven seals (talismans worn in the form of rings) that complemented it, had inscribed the names of the seven angels that rule each day of the week. These are: Gabriel, Camaél, Raphaé’l, Sachiél, Anaél, Caffiél and Michaél, from Monday to Sunday respectively.


yescabalistic symbols Protection #5: Numbers. Unlike the Qabala, which uses the first hundred numbers, including zero, Rabbi Solomon incorporated the numbers 1 to 22 into his talismans, not including zero, since it symbolized Nothingness and, by extension, the negation of God and Creation.

Each of these digits had its own meaning, and when it was desired to incorporate a number greater than 22 into a talisman, its figures were added, as many times as necessary, until a figure less than 22 was obtained, and the original number was replaced by East

For example: if you wanted to include the year 1995, you added 1 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 24; since it is still greater than 22, 2 + 4 = 6 was added again, which is the digit that should be entered.


yescabalistic symbols Protection #6: Eye of Providence

An ancient symbol of omniscience and divine providence, the Eye of Providence represents the eye of God, the singular divine power that has created the entire universe. The symbol shows a human eye enclosed in a triangle. In Christianity, the triangle represents the Holy Trinity and, as such, the Eye of Providence symbolizes the divine entity that watches over humanity and provides benevolent guidance.

Sometimes the Eye is also depicted surrounded by clouds or bursts of light. Both images are representative of divine holiness and glory, and therefore here too, the symbol means that the Almighty is watching over his creation.

also know Obelisk hidden, esoteric and spiritual meaning (biblical)

In addition to being prevalent in Christianity, this «all-seeing eye» concept can be found in various other religions and cultures. For example, Buddhists refer to it as the «Eye of the world»; in Caodaism, it represents the image of God; and the Egyptians venerate the Eye of Horus as a symbol of power and protection.

The Eye of Providence is also a very important Freemasonry symbol that usually has a semi-circular glory below the eye and may not always be enclosed in a triangle. Masons refer to Almighty God as the “Great Architect of the Universe” and the symbol is used to remind all Masons to keep in mind their thoughts and actions that God is watching at all times.


yescabalistic symbols of protection #7 Triquetra The Triquetra is an ancient symbol of protection, also known as the «Trinity knot», used since the Bronze Age in Europe and some Asian countries.

The meaning of this Triquetra is «Three corners». It is a symbol of Celtic origin, which focuses on the number three (3). In the Christian tradition, it is the sign of three trinities, such as the father, the son and the holy spirit. Celtic cosmology consists of three realms like earth, sea and sky. However, in philosophy, three states of the body are considered as physical, mental and spiritual.


yescabalistic symbols of protection #8 Tree of life This sacred protective symbol has different meanings in different religions and philosophies. In general, this symbol means union and reminds us that we should not be left alone.

This symbol also represents ancestry, family, and fertility. In Christianity, they believe that it is a symbol of humanity. While in Celtic culture, they believe that the root represents the other world, the trunk means this mortal world, and the branches of the tree represent the sky. In Islamic culture, they believe that it is a symbol of immortality.


yescabalistic symbols protection #9: Tyet This is another protective symbol of ancient Egyptian culture, also known as the Knot of Isis. This symbol is associated with magic, wisdom and protection of the country, Egypt.

In ancient Egypt, people used to bury their mummies with these Tyet amulets to believe that the bodies would be protected with Tyet’s blessings. Some people also thought that this Tyet symbolizes the duality between life and death.


yescabalistic symbols Protection #10: Horseshoe This is a symbol of protection, first used in Roman culture. It is believed that this symbol will protect humanity from any misfortune.

During the Middle Ages, people believed that evil spirits were afraid of horseshoes, and therefore, it was made of iron that could withstand flames.

At that time it was very popular to wear pendants and ornaments with this symbol. It was also believed that ornaments with this symbol could ward off nightmares and any kind of bad luck.


yescabalistic symbols of protection #11 Unicorn The unicorn is another protective symbol, representing healing and joy in different cultural contexts. It is believed that only people with pure hearts could get close to this creature.

This symbol is often described as a sign of freedom, purity, and healing. In the modern world it is also believed that this symbol can bring positivity, joy and pride to human life. People also thought that the horn of this creature had magical power, and that blowing the horn would bring fortune and good luck.


yescabalistic symbols protection #12: Star of David The Kabbalah sees in the Star of David a confrontation between Good and Evil, the Spiritual against the Physical, also affirming that the twelve sides of the symbol represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

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Symbolically, mystical authors say that the Star of David represents the union of man with God. The downward-facing triangle would be man and its vertices would be the body, soul and spirit, while the upward-facing triangle would be God, with the vertices representing the Holy Trinity. That is, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

However, it must be taken into account that the Holy Trinity is a dogma of the Catholic Church, therefore, much later than the use of the Star of David.

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