Butterfly tattoos: meaning they would bring to your life

The butterfly tattoos can have a meaning very special and magical because its wings hide secrets that would interpret your character and personality.

Wearing an ink design on your skin deserves all the attention and affection, because it will be a brand that represents you forever. Among the tattoos that have the greatest sentimental value are butterflies, because their intensity of color, their way of flying and their life, which can sometimes be very short, are a good opportunity to understand that every second should be enjoyed as if it were the latest.

In case you want to see animal tattoo designs that are super beautiful or you want to know some options that you could immortalize on your skin, then you are going to love this article:

Meaning of butterfly and star tattoos

For many ancient cultures, the butterfly is synonymous with freedom. When the stars are united in a tattoo, they would indicate the maximum expression of the being, the desires and the dreams to be fulfilled. Perhaps this design with a sparkle of stardust and the flight of a butterfly in full color is the way to remind yourself that dreams are within your reach.

Tattoos of butterflies and flowers meaning

Tattoos that combine butterflies and flowers usually have the meaning of being a symbol of beauty, spirituality, and joy. The color of both elements in a design would be a way to reflect an open, fun and free personality, so they are ideal to wear in areas of the skin that are exposed.

Meaning of butterfly tattoo on the back

The upper back is the area of ​​body awareness and a tattoo there could mean intelligence and strength. When you make a design on your lower back, you are doing it in an area of ​​balance of emotions and being. A butterfly in some area of ​​​​the back could be the symbol of feminine power and mental strength, so it would be ideal to represent that you are a woman of arms.

Meaning of butterfly tattoo on the arm

Of course, the arm is a part of the body that lends itself to having a nice tattoo. People commonly immortalize designs there because they enhance strength, but also the arms can represent connection to the world and a catalyst for energies. The Butterfly, being a little animal that expresses freedom and transformation, would come to give you the power of change.

Meaning of butterfly tattoo on the leg

Our feet are the grounding pole and the attraction of energy from the center of the earth. By receiving the full weight of the body and representing the point that generates gravity, a butterfly tattooed on the legs would come to symbolize the healing of the body and balance. So cheer up with a nice design to show that you are pure good vibes.

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