Burning Palo Santo: What benefits and uses does it have?

Once again welcome to today I will talk about the Quema Palo Santo , about its properties, uses and how to use it correctly for your well-being. There are many messages asking me about the smoke produced by this wood, or if it has special properties to bless us.

If you want to cleanse and purify your space, invite healing energies or want to know more about Palo Santo, stay with me, today you will learn a lot about white magic and this purifying object.

Today I want to start greeting new members who daily join our community and our website, welcome or welcome. My name is Luz Silva Soler, and I have been a sorceress, medium and tarot reader for more than 25 years. In Spell.net I write my own personal experiencesmy spells and rituals, I talk about types of magic, I do translations of ancient texts and I also try help to the people who need it for free through the white magic. If you want know more about my story and how the stars chose me, You can read it in this small section where I talk about my life: My personal story 👧

Some of you may already know the properties that the sacred Palo Santo tree gives us, which offers us various advantages and benefits for our health, in addition to having healing and spiritual properties.

This natural remedy has been known for millennia, and the fact is that the beneficial properties of the Palo Santo tree are so many that it is advisable to know this magical element. The wood of this tree is sacred and is classified as healing wood.

I am going to leave you two spells that you can do while the smoke of the Palo Santo invades your being, and it will clearly help you to have more power in its effects.

Although it has been used for millennia, I must assure you that today it is still used frequently by sorcerers, shamans, and more magical entities for the execution of spells, aura cleansing, and to increase the positive energy in a person. And it is that, at present, experiments continue in the magical world with this sacred tree, and new sources and ways of using its wood are discovered to improve people’s lives.

Palo Santo wood is 100% natural, and all areas of the tree are used in one way or another for spells, rituals or talismans. As mother earth tells us, we must take only the necessary resources for us, and not be greedy, that is why the original Palo Santo can only be used when the tree dies naturally and after 4 years of death, that is when its wood begins to release the magical properties we need.

What benefits does palo santo have?

There are several studies carried out by sorcerers, shamans and more magical entities that unanimously verify how beneficial palo santo is, so I am going to make a list of the beneficial properties that its use has for us.

👉 Palo Santo can be used for the elimination of negative energies and call positive energies.

👉 Balance energies, always increasing the positive side

👉 Helps prevent and control certain diseases, which derivethey go or are created by stress. Its physical and spiritual cleansing power helps us fight them.

👉 Help meditation and contemplation thanks to its relaxing power.

👉 Helps improve the couple’s loving and spiritual relationships, as it can also be used as an aphrodisiac during the act.

👉 Sorcerers and shamans for millennia use their power to cleanse and purify environments from evil spirits, negative forces and derivatives.

👉 Stimulates our creative system, we will be more creative if we are subjected to the power of Palo Santo

👉 Invite healing energies into your body.

👉 It also has antidepressant property, it is used in Yoga, Reiki, Aromatherapy sessions…

👉 It’s antiseptic that is, it stimulates our immune system and our antiviral system.

All ancient cultures have used Palo Santo, and that is in various ancient texts. We will now proceed to explain how the element is used and how it can help us improve.

How is Palo Santo used?

Palo Santo can be enjoyed and we can obtain its power from 2 different practices:

👉 1º Palo Santo wood in a natural way, without burning

You can place the wood in places to refresh and aromatize spaces in a respectful and ethical way with the environment.

It is an icon on our tables and altars that we may have, and we can bless these with a little Palo Santo. It is also widely used in cars, or closed rooms, since its smell will last longer and will be better for us.

👉 2º Palo Santo to favor energetic cleaning

Light the Palo Santo as an incense, in order to obtain from it, the white smoke that it gives off when burning, with the purpose of cleaning and purifying spaces, environments and people.

Lighting a log of Palo Santo and shaking it to obtain its aroma is an experience that can become highly mystical. The use of Palo Santo occurs in different spells, rituals and cleanses, it helps us achieve a more spiritual connection.

When we burn a Palo Santo stick, with its smoke we are calling for good energies and aromatizing the place where it is burned.

You can walk with the lit stick through the different places in your house and if you put a good faith thought into that, then the cleaning work will be much more effective.

To do a self-cleaning you can light the stick of Palo Santo and move and shake it around your body, from the feet to the head with round movements and good faith thoughts.

When you have finished, you can let it finish burning in a pleasant room in your home.

Tips for using Palo Santo

The burning of Palo Santo is a method that has been done for thousands of centuries, you can find Palo Santo in a Santería, or trusted herbalist.

I hope that the power that I give you helps you, and I am always open to your comments, which you can make at the end of this entry 👇

I would also like you to follow me in my personal Facebook group if you want to talk to me directly, where we share images, experiences, videos about spells, path openers and magic: Join Community Hechizos.net on Facebook

And finally, give you my purest and most sincere blessings.

We read soon

Luz Silva Soler