Although the brown gemstones they are not the most popular in jewelry as they have a rather unusual color. However, it is a neutral enough color that it pairs nicely with just about any metallic color. So it is not surprising that with the rise in popularity of colored gemstones, more and more people are choosing these gems to move away from traditional styles and designs.

Symbolically, the color brown is a warm color that is associated with nature, but also represents kindness, warmth, simplicity and health. In addition, being a neutral color, jewels with brown gemstones They can be used by both men and women. So if you are looking for jewelry with a subdued look and a neutral color these are the main gemstones to consider.

Most Popular Brown Gemstones in Jewelry

1. brown diamond

The most prestigious of brown gemstones, brown diamonds are known by a variety of intriguing nicknames: champagne, chocolate and cognac. These terms refer to different shades of the brown spectrum, but they have one thing in common: they are all beautiful diamond varieties.

Brown diamonds are among the most affordable and most common colored gemstones. Dark brown diamonds are more popular with consumers, which is why they are the most expensive. Choose a stone that has vivid saturation and a medium to dark body tone.

One of the benefits of brown diamonds is that they hide impurities well and generally have a very clear appearance. Simply look for a stone that is clean to the eyes and has no visible impurities.

Brown diamonds make beautiful center stones for engagement rings and are a welcome change from the traditional colorless diamond. Due to its growing popularity, there are many places where you can now purchase beautiful, high-quality brown diamonds. If you find a natural brown diamond beyond your budget, you may want to consider a synthetic or treated brown diamond.

2. Chocolate Opal

Between the brown gemstonesChocolate opal has a distinct brown color that distinguishes it from other opal varieties as well. It has a dark body tone and sometimes contains interesting snakeskin-like patterns. Chocolate opal often has a bright, intense flash of color and, unlike other opal varieties, can display all colors of the spectrum.

Chocolate opals are generally translucent to opaque and have a shiny, waxy sheen. While most chocolate opals have minor impurities and flaws, these generally do not affect the overall value of the stone.

However, the most expensive chocolate opals are those that have no visible flaws or cracks. Although they are quite soft and delicate gemstones (Mohs 5.5 to 6.5), they are commonly used for all types of jewelry. You can always choose to purchase a loose chocolate opal and place it in a jewelry setting of your choice. Heavier bezel settings and mountings are a better option as they protect the opal.

3. Brown Tourmaline

Tourmaline, known as the rainbow gemstone, comes in every color imaginable, including brown. Brown tourmaline is not a conventional gemstone and can be difficult to find in jewelry stores. Brown tourmalines often have secondary tones, such as pink or purple, that can enhance their appearance. The most expensive varieties are dark, vivid, intensely saturated stones with excellent clarity and brilliance.

Most brown tourmalines are faceted to enhance their brilliance. They are a clear, fiery stone that is quite durable for all types of jewelry (Mohs 7 to 7.5). Just check to see if any heat treatment has been done on your stone, as this is a common procedure done on tourmalines. Brown tourmaline is perfect in earrings, pendants, and rings, as they catch the light beautifully and have a striking shine.

4. Fire agate

Fire Agate is a brown variety of agate known for its soft sheen and iridescence. It is only found in a few locations in the world, with the majority of deposits located in Mexico and the US.

A high-quality fire agate has an impressive play of color, a waxy sheen, and is generally translucent. It is a hard stone (Mohs 7) and because it is a variety of quartz, fire agate is very resistant. It is beautiful when made with unique designs, highlighting the shape and brilliance of the stone.

Fire agate jewelry is usually found in handmade craft stores and is not common in conventional jewelry stores. They are notoriously difficult to cut and shape and require a high level of expertise to make jewelry items. Although fire agate is an affordable stone, the workmanship and setting that is used often adds to the price of the final item.

5. Brown topaz

The word topaz is believed to have originated from the Sanskrit word tapas, which means fire. Brown topaz is not the most sought after variety of topaz (blue is the most popular), however, it does have its own charms. Topaz is a brilliant stone and is often faceted to accentuate this feature. When faceted into shapes such as ovals, trilliants, marquis, rounds, baguettes, and squares, brown topaz catches light well and appears fiery and brilliant.

Brown topaz is a very hard stone (Mohs 8) and is suitable for all types of jewelry, including rings. Most of the topazes on the market have no inclusions. While most brown topazes are irradiated for color enhancement, this is a standard procedure.

6. Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a very affordable and easy to find type of quartz. It is known for its beautiful golden brown color and intriguing patterns on the surface. Most tiger eyes are translucent to opaque and often exhibit chatoyancy which is the cat’s eye effect.

When cut into cabochons, the stone can display an interesting pattern that looks like a cat’s eye. Tiger’s eye can sometimes show iridescence and has a silky smooth sheen. It is good for regular wear and strong enough to be used on most types of jewelry (Mohs 6.5 to 7).

Tiger’s eye is often used to make beautiful and unique jewelry pieces at affordable prices.

7. brown citrine

Citrine is one of the brown gemstones most popular and is known for its golden tones. It is very transparent and has a vitreous (glassy) luster. Brown Citrine gemstones are often faceted to maximize their brilliance. Citrines generally have very good clarity and very few visible impurities, making them perfect as center gemstones, especially in rings.

Citrine is a popular gemstone and it is quite easy to find high quality citrine jewelry. The stone is relatively durable (Mohs 7) and can be used for a long time with reasonable care. It is also more affordable than most similar gemstones.