Broken Dog Tail: Symptoms & Treatment Tips

The rod is one of the most important but also most vulnerable parts of the dog's body: the four-legged friend needs it to be able to communicate effectively, but at the same time the tail vertebrae can quickly be injured.

One fracture of the tail, So a broken bone is not that rare and must definitely be cared for by professionals. The problem is that it is often not that easy for a layperson to judge whether the dog has suffered a fracture or not.

So you know if you need to worry, I have this for you 10 most common symptoms put together that occur when a bone breaks in the tail.

10 typical symptoms of canine tail fractures

When a dog breaks its tail, it is usually the result of one accident (e.g. getting trapped by a door, strong, sudden stress on the rod, e.g. from falling objects or a kick) or one Fighting with conspecifics.

The dog owner is not always present at the moment of misfortune. However, you should always be prepared for a possible injury to the tail if your four-legged friend has one strong pain reaction shows: As soon as you hear your four-legged friend whining or even screaming, you actually have to check the four-legged friend's tail immediately.

It is also recommended to pay attention to the following 10 symptoms to pay attention.

1. (Severe) pain

A typical symptom of a broken tail is severe pain in the four-legged friend. However, these are not always obvious at first glance, because when something hurts a dog, it is usually very good at hiding it from everyone.

This is mainly because animals in the wild are not allowed to show any weakness, otherwise enemies could be attracted. In many cases, you have to pay attention to signs that aren't quite as clear.

Signals of pain in dogs

  • A protective posture, for example the dog lies down instead of sitting
  • Apathetic behavior
  • Difficulty getting up, dog rests a lot
  • Self-harming behavior, e.g. dog bites its own tail out of desperation
  • If the owner touches the rod: yelping, screaming, snapping or aggressive behavior.

Should it not be a fracture, but rather, for example Sprain or inflammation act, similar symptoms may occur. Then they often settle down after a few days, but not when they break.

2. Kink in the tail

Before you observe the four-legged friend's pain, in many cases you will Changes in the rod can notice. A bend in the tail is typical for a fracture; in some cases (complicated multiple fractures) several can occur.

This is a clear signal that the dog needs quick medical help. Since the Tail forms part of the spine, If you're unlucky, your nerves or spinal cord can be damaged – in the worst case scenario, there's even a risk of paralysis in your hind legs.

3. Bloody wound

If the dog gets the tail in Fight with a fellow dog have broken, it is probably a bite wound. The animals have – if they want – an enormously high bite force, which is more than five times greater than that of humans.

That means: If a dog snaps properly, it can quickly break another animal's tail. That's why you should always pay attention to the tail after conflict and definitely consider a fracture in the event of a bloody wound.

4. Rod hangs

Also typical of a fracture: the dog can be Tail no longer moves in a controlled manner. The rod then no longer stands, but hangs – also to protect yourself.

Water rod for dogs

Often a hanging tail is also a so-called water rod. However, this is not a fracture, but one too neurologically caused inflammation of the muscular system, which limits the mobility of the tail.

Experts also speak of one “Coccygeal myopathy”. It mainly occurs after swimming sessions in cold water or on cold, wet days. It often goes away on its own after a few days.

Because the rod is one of the most important things for our four-legged friends Communication organs A fracture also severely affects his quality of life – a comparable injury in humans would be a paralyzed tongue, for example.

Even without pain, it can quickly become worse “Language problems” between dogs come: If your four-legged friend cannot lift his tail, he will seem more fearful and submissive to other dogs, even if he is actually self-confident.

5. Problems with tail wagging

Dogs not only use the position of the tail for communication, but also the Movement. When a four-legged friend wags its tail, it is usually not a conscious decision, but a physical reaction to a feeling.

Wagging tail in a dog

By the way: Dogs wag their tails not only because they are happy, but also when they are excited.

So he doesn't have complete control over the wagging and can't just «switch it off». Therefore, even if there is a fracture, he will try to move it. This looks very awkward, so if your four-legged friend suddenly has problems, you should also think about a break.

6. Balance disorders

In dogs, the tail is not only important for communication, but also serves Balance of the four-legged friend. If there is a fracture, this can occur – also due to nerve injuries Disturbance of the sense of balance appear.

Other possible causes

There are many other possible reasons for balance problems. You can find a detailed overview in our article on the topic “Dog staggers”.

This means: The dog then runs unevenly or even staggers. Not only is this very frightening to watch, but the animal also only has limited control of itself while on the move: in dangerous situations where quick action is required, a break can also become a safety risk.

7. Dog constantly takes care of tail

Dogs sense pretty quickly that something is wrong with their bodies. As soon as your rod becomes limited or even painful, you try to solve the problem yourself.

That's why you can often observe how the… Your four-legged friend should take care of the injury themselves. They often nibble on the tail or try to lick the painful area. If this is not possible, they may also end up chasing their own tail.

This behavior is not always advantageous: Often the dog makes it even worse the fracture shifts or germs find their way into open wounds.

8. swelling & Redness

A break is also typical Swelling or redness. In the case of a fracture, they typically occur a few hours after the unfortunate event.

The reasons for this are the same as for human bone fractures: the destruction of the bone substance causes blood to escape and collect in the tissue. Water from the lymphs is often added later. Basically, this actually has advantages because the dog can no longer move its tail well, which would promote healing without treatment.

But I wouldn't rely on this symptom alone, as sprains or allergic reactions can also be considered causes.

9. Incontinence

Many dogs who have to deal with a broken tail also suffer as a result Incontinence. This is particularly the case if the accident that led to the injury Nerves damaged became.

So if your four-legged friend is suddenly no longer house trained, you shouldn't scold him, but also think about a possible fracture. The animal can't do anything about it – on the contrary, it's probably very unpleasant for the dog to suddenly no longer be able to control itself.

10. Problems with defecation

And finally, you should also think about a fracture of the tail if the dog suddenly Problems with “big business” receives. Due to the fracture of the vertebrae combined with swelling, defecation is only possible with great pain.

Many dog ​​owners initially suspect constipation, but the injury makes it almost impossible for the four-legged friend to push sufficiently.

Broken tail in dogs: treatment

If the dog has broken its tail, it is not only painful, but also very risky: not only is the four-legged friend deprived of one of its most important means of communication, there is also the risk of serious consequential damage, for example damage to the nerves with later symptoms of paralysis.

That's why you can have one of these Never take breakage lightly, but you have to do everything you can to ensure that the fracture grows back together as quickly and as well as possible. This is hardly possible without professional help.

1. Take care of the dog immediately

As soon as the dog shows the first signs of a fracture, you should take it protect immediately. That means:

  • If he lives with other pets, you will have to temporarily separate him from them
  • Avoid long walks and only take the dog out on a leash
  • If he wants to lie down, you should let him
  • A comfortable resting area is mandatory; instead of a dog bed with a high edge, a flat mattress is better suited
  • (Bite) wounds must be treated as quickly as possible
  • Avoid transporting the dog in a transport box unnecessarily.

This means that the rod is not put under unnecessary strain and the risk of an unwanted deterioration in health is greatly reduced.

2. Get to the vet as soon as possible

Afterwards there is no way past you quick visit to the vet over. So you need to make an appointment in the practice as quickly as possible.

Even if the diagnosis of “fracture” seems clear at first glance, the doctor will order an X-ray as the first step. This is the only way to seriously assess the extent of the fracture and create a treatment plan.

Possible treatments for a fracture

  • Conservative treatment with bandages, “simple” fractures then grow back together on their own
  • Surgical intervention for complicated fractures, often carried out by specialists (referral to a veterinary clinic)
  • Amputation (complete or partial) if the tail is severely damaged, if pain or very crooked misalignments are to be suspected even after the operation.

Furthermore, the vet will always be there for your pet Painkillers prescribe. These not only serve to make life more bearable for the four-legged friend, but also also inhibit inflammation.

3. Immobilize the rod as much as possible

No matter whether with a bandage or in anticipation of an operation date: If your four-legged friend is recovering at home, you should do everything you can to ensure that they Rod possible untouched in the meantime remains.

This includes, for example, Avoid noise and also Games in the house. In this way you avoid that your four-legged friend – be it out of excitement or joy…