Breed portrait of the Norwegian Buhund (with pictures and information)

In our following breed portrait let’s take you with us to Scandinaviamore precisely, to Norway.

Here comes – true to the name – the Norwegian Buhund here. You know this fur nose not yet?

Then let’s change that in the following lines. Because here you will find out everything important and worth knowing, everything there is to know about the Norwegian Buhund.

Norwegian Buhund Wanted Poster

Size Male: 43 to 47 cm, female: 41 to 45 cmWeightMale: 14 to 18 kg, female: 12 to 16 kgColorsBlack, Wheaten, Red/WheatenLife expectancy13 to 15 yearsOriginNorwaycharacter/temperamentbold, brave, agile, playful, energetic, friendly, cheerfulFCI groupGroup 5: Spitz and archetypal dogs, Section 3: Nordic guard and herding dogs


Is it about one description of the body of the Norwegian Buhund, this description fits quite well: square, practical, good.

But that also ends the comparison to a popular chocolate bar, because the Norwegian Buhund is a dog.

that he the family of the lace belongs, you can recognize, among other things, by the pointed, triangular ears and the rod curled up.

But also the rest of the look is typical for lace – starting with the slim, strong legs and stopped at the breed-typical fur coloring.

Height Weight

height and weight of the Norwegian Buhund are divided as follows:

males reach one Shoulder height from 43 to 47 centimeters and a Weight from 14 to 18 kilograms.

At female dogs lies that Weight at 12 to 16 kilograms and is divided into one Height from 41 to 45 centimeters.

The Norwegian Buhund has lots of furthe hard and smooth in structure is and tight fitting.

If you live in the cold north of Europe, you will of course also bring one dense and soft undercoat with.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The coat of the Norwegian Buhund lies in three colours or combinations before:

  • Red/Wheaten
  • wheaten
  • Black

Already knew?

You’re sure about the colors wheaten noticed what in German as much as wheat colors is called. call experts wheat in English in turn biscuits.

Eye Shape & Eye Color

The Norwegian Buhund has large, almond-shaped and dark eyesyours Vigilant and attentive to the environment have.

History & Origin of the Norwegian Buhund

One first mention of the Norwegian Buhund dated to the 17th century become.

However, there were dogs that resembled the Norwegian Buhund already among the Vikings. These kept the furry noses for that Herding and guarding the herds of cattle.

This tradition was in the maintained for centuries to come. one big audience became the Norwegian Buhund in 1913 presented.

It’s been around ever since almost as a racethe in the year 1963 of the FCI was officially recognised.

Nature & Character of the Norwegian Buhund

Just as terriers tend to have more energy than a Duracell bunny, so do they Top also hers very own and breed-typical traits.

You can also find this in the Norwegian Buhund, which, like all Spitz breeds, has a very bright, courageous and watchful dog is.

Does he sense danger or meet strangers? Then the dog shows his Alertness by barking loudly.

But be careful: Not just vigilance shapes the character of the Norwegian Buhund. He is also considered very friendly.

Accordingly, it may happen that he At first barks at strangersbut then in the the next second, happily wagging its tail.

Here is another characteristic of this furry friend: you loves peopleespecially of course their own.

She builds to these close ties up and find it at all not funny when they leave them alone for a long time.

The loneliness must therefore be practiced with the puppy – as well as an early one socializationin the course of which the four-legged friends themselves make friends with children and other pets can.

Are these steps completed successfully? Then the Norwegian Buhund is a playful and agile dogwho keeps his family busy.

Here the energetic dog shows his cheerful and friendly temperament and is happy when he romp around with his people may.

attitude & upbringing

Let’s take a look at how the attitude and upbringing of the Norwegian Buhund from his character and temperament as well as his Size being affected.


The training of the Norwegian Buhund is one of the simple dog trainings.

The race is considered willing to learn and work and does not pose great challenges to its people here.

Of course, they are also important here Consistency, tact, patience and loving leadership.

It should also be noted that pronounced wakefulness the fur nose. So that later not to bark concerts comes, she should appropriate bark training graduate


You should only choose a Norwegian Buhund if you like him provide a species-appropriate attitude can.

And this is in and of itself only possible if the dog with the high urge to move and the high energy level in one House with its own garden may live.

Daily walks and long walks are with the Norwegian Buhund a must – and the in wind and weather.

Good to know

So that the Norwegian Buhund physically and mentally busy is suitable, among other things the dog sports agility and obedience for this breed.

Health & Care

Is the Norwegian Buhund a tough outdoorsman? Or are diseases and problems lurking here that have a negative impact health and life expectancy can affect?

We will now tell you the exciting answers as well as those important care information of the Norwegian Buhund.

Life expectancy

The Life expectancy of the Norwegian Buhund at 13 to 15 years.


We have good news for you: Lying with the Norwegian Buhund no breed-specific diseases before.

only the Eyes can him cause problems – as well as them Joints, keyword hip dysplasia/HD.

Among other things, make sure that the Puppy no high protein food receives.

proteins accelerate growth. But they also mean that Puppy’s joints are not developing with age and can be damaged.

Not only diseases typical of the breed can affect a Norwegian Buhund cause problems. Also Secondary infections by ecto- and endoparasites can do this.

It is therefore important that you always refer to the look out for the following things in your new roommate:

  • Regular deworming & sensible prevention against parasites
  • Basic immunization of the puppy & subsequent booster vaccinations
  • Annual routine health check-ups by the veterinarian

General Grooming & Grooming

And with it yourself fleasticks and co. not at all native you should be able to feel it Coat of your Norwegian Buhund check regularly.

Also the ears, eyes, teeth, paws and claws as well as the dog butt look forward to one Extra portion of attention through you.

The fur again not only happyif it free from parasites is. It is also happy if you are brush regularlyaround Remove dirt and loose hairs.

Here you should quite often to the brush grab because the Norwegian Buhund is one of the dog breeds that shed some fur throughout the year.

Is the Norwegian Buhund right for me?

Before you look for a breeder for Norwegian Buhunds, you should find out Are you two compatible at all?.

To the right answer for your life together is it possible using the following statements.

  • you are looking for your first dogwith which you a life together can start.
  • you are looking for one active, sporty and energetic dog for common sport.
  • you are looking for one watchful dogyour loved ones and you always protected.
  • you are looking for one playful dogwho always one sunny disposition has.

Fun facts about the Norwegian Buhund

Finally, as always, some fascinating fun factsthis time to the Norwegian Buhund.

Norwegian Buhund puppy from serious breeding cost from €2,000. The reason? The race is very rare and there are not many responsible breeders worldwide.

The «bu» in the Buhund should not frighten. In fact it says in Norwegian as much as «Court».

The viking appreciated the Norwegian Buhund not only as a herding dog. They took him also on their “journeys” (or should we say «Discovery Tours»?).

The Norwegian Buhund is closely related to the Icelandic Sheepdog.

Do you know any more interesting stories, facts and tips to share with us? Then we look forward to reading them in the comments. 😊