Breed Portrait of Kishu (with Pictures and Information)

For our next breed portrait fine to the land of the rising sunwhere the kishualso Kishu Ken called, has its home.

Outside Japan is this Fellnase rather unknown and very rare.

So that you the Kishu get to know betterwe present it to you now in detail – of course with all the important information about keeping, upbringing & Co.

Kishu profile

Size Male: 49 to 55 cm, female: 43 to 49 cmWeightMale: 14 to 27.5 kg, female: 13.5 to 27 kgColorsSesame, White, Red, BrindleLife expectancy11 to 13 yearsOriginJapancharacter/temperamentattentive, docile, docile, focused, loyal, noble, dignifiedFCI groupGroup 5: Spitz and Archetypal Dogs, Section 5: Asian Spitz and related breeds


The Kishu is a medium-sized one Powerhouse without being burly to act. In fact, the Japanese dog has one well-proportioned and slim body.

Typical of the breed are the pointed, pricked ears as well as the Tail curled on the back will be carried.

The relationship to peaks is also on the head recognizable, the elongated and slightly angular is.

The pretty Kishu is worn by long, slender and muscular legs.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The fur of the Kishu is short, dense and wiry. This top coat is accompanied by a soft and dense undercoat.

According to the breed standard four different colors allowed on the fur of the Kishu: Sesame, Brindle, White and Red.

Eye Shape & Eye Color

The Kishu has medium-sized and in Japan as shell-shaped designated Eyesthat of a dark color are.

Height Weight

male reach a shoulder height of 49 to 55 centimeters and weigh it between 14 and 27.5 kilograms.

female bring at a height of 43 to 49 centimeters between 13.5 and 27 kilograms on the scales.

History & Origin of Kishu

The Japanese Kishu or Kishu Ken is for thousands of years in his homeland known and popular.

The dog breed comes from the eponymous province of Kishuwhich is located in mid-southwest Japan.

Originally the dog was for the Hunting for bears, deer and wild boar, among others deployed.

A first breed standard became in 1934 fixed. The FCI recognized the breed rare outside of Japan in 1982 officially on.

Essence & Character of Kishu

Let’s start with those Character traits that make the Kishu a special and lovable dog.

The dog is considered attentive and docile and in some cases has no problems with that, too docile to be.

As one man dog he builds a very close bond with his people and is one with them faithful and loyal companion.

But the dignified Kishu can also do one complicated and challenging dog be. The reason lies, among other things, in his people relatedness.

Because this one is on pronounced dominance behavior coupled, that not only the education interesting does, but also that Coexistence with the Kishu.

If he has made himself at home in his four walls, he always wants to be here Everything in view have. So he can too medium-sized control freak on four paws be.

attitude & upbringing

Do character and temperament have an impact on upbringing and attitude of the kishu? And what role does the size of the dog play? Now find out.


character and temperament of the Kishu naturally have one affect his attitude.

One housing should please only be considered when here enough space is available.

In addition, the Kishu of course enough exercise and mental workload every day receive.

The breed loves as much time outdoors as possible to spend. So if you live in an apartment, you should several daily trips to dog-friendly parks plan on.

One is better for the Kishu Keeping in a house that ideally also has a fenced yard has.

Here the independent dog can certainly work alone once in a while.


As you may have guessed, have an effect some of the character traits mentioned on the upbringing of the Kishu out of.

dominance behavior, the desire, the to have control as well as a strong hunting instinct make the Kishu education a very exciting undertaking.

The self-confident and characterful dog heard not to the fur noses, the just follow every command blindly.

Next to the necessary consequence so you should give the Kishu too can make clearthat «Sit!» and «Down!» Quite sensible commands are.

The mentioned Dominant behavior should also be introduced early on be steered in the right direction. Because otherwise there is problems especially with male conspecifics.

One last point to keep in mind in parenting is this Stay alone. one man dogs need their people.

Ergo is to be left alone nothingwhat you particularly appreciate. Isn’t that going to happen with that Training Kishu puppiesthis can also cause problems.

Our tip

Definitely visit with the Kishu a puppy or dog school. Because the proper contact with other dogs is with this breed very important.

Health & Care

Can the Kishu under Diseases suffer him cause problems? Or is his health robust?

We will now tell you the answers as well as those most important care information.

Grooming & General Grooming

That’s pretty harsh Fur is one of the only things that is uncomplicated on the Kishu – at least then if not that one coat change pending.

Here you should then reach for the brush more oftensince especially the Undercoat for significantly higher shedding of the dog.

Also, please don’t forget that some parts of the body often checked should be – namely the mouth/teeththe paws/claws as well as the Eyes and the ears.


Generally the Kishu Ken has one robust health. dispositions insist for these two diseases:

Do you suspect that a hypothyroidism present, please have the Kishu examined by the vet – regardless of the recommended annual check-up.

Also, please think regular wormersthe Prevention against parasites and one always up-to-date vaccination protection.

Because these things can preventthat dangerous secondary infections reduce the life expectancy of the Kishu.

Life expectancy

The Kishu has one Life expectancy of 11 to 13 years. The A and OTo achieve this life expectancy is natural a robust health.

Did you know that you are here with the proper nutrition and the right amount of movement can support?

Does the Kishu suit me?

Lost your heart to the Japanese Kishu? Then stay now Another question that you absolutely have to answer with a clear «yes». should:

«Is the Kishu right for me?» The answer is the following statements.

  • You are looking for a dog that will fixate on you and be a loyal companion.
  • You are looking for a dog with a strong and independent character.
  • You trust yourself to educate and keep the independent Kishu.

As family dog is the Kishu despite its child compatibility only to a limited extent to recommend. Be careful with other pets, especially cats.

For the love of velvet paws should here no kishu feedas he tends to flatten kitties.

Definitive not suitable is he as beginner dog.

Fun facts about Kishu

Finally a few more exciting fun facts about Kishu.

Kishu puppies from reputable breeders cost between €1,200 and €2,000.

If you want to have a Kishu, you can Search half of Europe, USA and Japan for a puppy let travel.

Since 1934 is the Kishu one of the natural monuments of Japan.

First since the 1970s is it allowed that one Kishu leaves Japan. Until then, the dogs were allowed left the country only as a gift.

The first breed standard from 1934 has specified that a genuine Kishu only one color may be.

Surely you can think of a few more stories, right? We would be happy if you share them with us in the comments. 😊