What care should be taken with Brazil's stick?
For him Brazilian stick grow and have a long life, in addition to Prevent pests and diseases As red spiders, cochinillas, fleas and septoriosis, it is necessary to carry out these care:
One of the basic aspects for Brazil's stick to develop in optimal conditions is Do not expose it to the sun directly, since it can be burned. Ideally, locate it in a place where you receive natural but not direct light, avoiding very dark places so that the leaves do not become brown.
Another care of Brazilian stick It is the temperature, since ideally it must be Between 20º and 25º C To grow well. It is not advisable to put it in very cold environments, since this causes the plant to stop growing and the leaves fall. The ideal is a humid atmosphere, being a tropical plant.
He Brazilian stick It does not need much irrigation, although the ground must remain wet about what should Watch two or three times a week. If you notice that the leaves become brown and begin to fall, it is likely that water is missing. Another alternative is to spray with a spray the leaves to keep them in good condition.
How to cut a branch of the Brazilian stick to grow again?
One of the properties of Brazilian stick is that it can reproduce by cuttings, or, through already pruned trunks of those born roots. To do this, you can cut the outbreaks that appear in the trunk and plant them in individual pots.
The best stations to do this procedure are Spring and Autumn And, in addition, it is recommended to transplant the Brazilian stick Every two years and add some liquid fertilizer in heat.
How to revive Brazil's stick?
One of the causes for which the Brazilian stick can be dying is excess moisture. If this is the case, you must touch the stems of the leaves and detach those that are in poor condition. Then, take out the plant from the pot, save the wetter earth and wrap the crowel on absorbent paper and let the plant rest for 24 hours. It is important that it is in a dry place and far from the direct light of the sun.