Bouvier Books | The best guides

Actually is “Bouvier” nothing other than the French word for cattle herder. The dog breeds that are referred to as such are accordingly Cattle dogs from French-speaking countries.

This is particularly common Bouvier de Flandres, which is sometimes referred to as the Flemish Cattle Dog. Typical of the appearance of this tall breed is the frizzy coat with a pronounced mustache.

Bouviers have especially in Belgium and the Netherlands a long tradition. They are often used as working dogs, carrying out guard, train, rescue or protection tasks, for example. But it is also becoming increasingly popular as a house dog.

And that is also understandable: Because Bouviers are truly loyal souls. They are very social, love children and therefore make excellent family members. But to do this they also have to be properly educated and employed.

Compared to other breeds, there is not as much literature about these dogs. A couple really good Bouvier books But they already exist – I would now like to briefly introduce them to you.

The most beautiful Bouvier books at a glance

Robert Pollet: “Bouvier de Flandres practical guide”

One very nice, comprehensive presentation he offers “Bouvier de Flandres practical guide” by Robert Pollet. In addition to a detailed description of the breed and a short purchase advice, the focus of the book is on practical topics from everyday life.

This is how you find many Parenting tips for puppies and adult animals and a large number of Training ideas for your darling who is willing to learn. Health questions and care instructions are also not neglected. As Reference book for everyday life I can really recommend this 155 page book to you!

Joachim Gerhardt: “Bouvier de Flandres”

Another Complete guide is the book “Bouvier de Flandres” by Joachim Gerhardt. In addition to the most important selection criteria and a nice description of the breed's characteristics, the bound volume also offers a lot of information about everyday life together with the animals.

Whether parenting advice, living together or health aspects: no topic is neglected in this book. That is also very interesting very detailed chapters on proper fur care, which is very important at Bouviers.

Paul Allen Pearce: “Bouvier Des Flandres Dog Training: Think Like a Dog, but Don’t Eat Your Poop”

Bouviers are animals that are very willing to learn and quickly get bored without something to do. That's why you have to demand regularly – otherwise your darling may develop behavioral problems.

Unfortunately, there are very few German-language books that are entirely dedicated to the topic of Bouvier training. If you are the English language If you are powerful, this beautiful book can “Bouvier Des Flandres Dog Training: Think Like a Dog, but Don’t Eat Your Poop” by Paul Allen Pearce to fill this gap.

On the 234 pages of the paperback you don't just learn many exciting and species-appropriate training methods The dog's expectations and demands also play a big role.