Border collies and Siberian huskies are beautiful, impressive dog breeds. What if the two fathered offspring together?
For some time, the «Borsky», i.e. a crossbreed of Border Collie and Husky, has even been specifically bred.
External appearance of the Borsky
It is not possible to predict exactly what a Borsky will look like, because the characteristics of the parents can appear in different forms.
The Borsky is usually between about 45 and 55 centimeters in size and weighs about 13 to 25 kilograms.
The mix of border collie and husky can have different coat colors, but it is mostly black and white.
It is up to chance whether the characteristic coat pattern of the border collie or the wolf-like appearance of the husky comes about, or a mixture of both.
It is also random whether the coat is shorter, like the husky, or longer, like the border collie. But it will definitely be one thing: tight and robust.
The Borsky’s ears are usually erect, while the eye color can be either brown, blue or double, i.e. with two different eyes.
Both the Border Collie and the Husky are athletically built. Accordingly, the Borsky also shows a sporty physique.
Character of the Borsky
The Borsky also combines the characteristics of his parents in terms of character and these can appear in different forms.
In many ways, however, huskies and border collies are similar anyway. Both are persistent working dogs that like to be active.
They also have in common the intelligence and ability to learn, which is even more pronounced in the Border Collie.
They love having tasks where they can use both their athleticism and their brains.
Since the Border Collie is a herding dog, it is obedient on the one hand and alert and independent on the other. The husky, on the other hand, can have a stubborn skull.
So it’s possible that a Borsky has a certain predisposition to stubbornness. With loving, consistent upbringing, however, this is usually not a problem.
Like its two parents, the Borsky is people-oriented and is well suited as a family dog, always provided that it is physically and mentally busy.
Borskys usually get along well with other dogs, but early socialization is of course also important for them.