Books on emotional intelligence that you absolutely must read – Online Psychologists

When we talk about emotional intelligence We are referring to «the ability to recognize our own feelings and those of others, to motivate ourselves and to manage relationships appropriately.» This is how Daniel Goleman, considered the father of emotional intelligence, defined it and believed that it was essential to teach it in schools.

The lack of basic teachings about our feelings and emotions in childhood may be one of the explanations for why one of the biggest Teenage problems It's yours mental health.

Emotional intelligence is key to being able to develop our social relations and understand the contexts in which we move.

If you are a person who has difficulties in this area or simply want to expand your knowledge about this section of psychology, we are going to recommend a series of books on emotional intelligence that everyone who wants to get started in this topic should read.

What books on emotional intelligence are essential?

Emotional intelligenceby Daniel Goleman

It is the work with which the term «emotional intelligence» began to become popular among experts and the general public. This book shows you that the IQ does not influence as well as emotional intelligence to achieve successful results in your personal or work life.

Daniel Goleman, psychologist and journalist of the The New York Timesargued that the human being has a wide range of skills essential for life. Emotional intelligence is one of those fundamental capacities to achieve happiness and social success.

Emotional intelligence Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves

We can start reading it once we have read several books on the subject, we have a certain basis of what emotional intelligence is and the different benefits it brings, both internally and for social relationships.

This book will show us the different ways to apply emotional intelligence in order to improve our quality of life.

The authors, Bradberry and Greves, mark some concrete guidelines for learning four basic skills such as: learning to manage our social relationshipsthe self-managementthe self-awareness and the social awareness.

Emotions: An internal guide, which ones I follow and which ones I don'tby Leslie Greenberg

A must-have work. As the title indicates, it is a perfect instruction manual with which to make a deep exercise of introspection and practice the different concepts that you acquire while reading the book.

Apart from getting the perfect balance between theory and practiceit is not at all convoluted, which makes it easy to read. In addition, it gives you key phrases that can serve as small personal mantras in future situations.

If you want to learn about emotional intelligence through practice, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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The good thing about having a bad day, by Anabel Gonzalez

This book It confronts many of the beliefs implanted in society, such as, for example, that there are good and bad emotions. Anabel González's reading will broaden your emotional horizon and will show you the steps to embrace your emotions from acceptance and not try to eliminate them or fight against them.

Its pages allow a quick and entertaining readingwith a lot of practical examples and metaphors for a simple understanding of what you want to convey. Another feature of this book is the feeling of empathy and human warmth that reaches the public. Through its pages, you will once again say the phrase “this happens to me.”

The beauty of feeling. From emotions to sensitivityby Eva Bach

Feelings are some of the most precious things there are. Like breathing or heartbeats, Emotions are a symptom that we are still aliveThis book is responsible for making this idea sink deep into your subconscious.

Apart from the mechanisms for a correct development of emotional intelligence, this work puts a lot emphasis on the progress of our sensitivitytrying to connect with her, with our hearts and all the new feelings that can create confusion in our minds.

The wisdom of emotionsby Norberto Levy

There is no point in knowing the wisdom of emotions if you do not understand them. we pay attention or we do not know how to react to them. All of this is discussed in «The Wisdom of Emotions» by author Norberto Levy.

The book shows us the way to pay attention to our emotionsbe conscious of what we feel, to know process the information that they try to convey to us and, as a last but not least function, reconcile ourselves with those emotions that we had parked because they made us uncomfortable.

Educating with emotional intelligenceby Maurice J. Tobias, Steven E. and Friedl Elias

This book is very useful if you have children at home or you work in an educational center. This book shows you the steps you should follow to educate the adults of the future, using emotional tools that will help them will mark your personality.

In its pages we can see that the pedagogy is present at all times. In addition, We will learn the keys to building a relationship more rewarding in which we can teach them how to relate to others or how to resolve typical conflicts generated by children.

Compass for emotional navigatorsby Elsa Punset

Elsa Punset, one of the most renowned writers in Spain, provokes an immersion of the reader in her personal lifeon the subject through his own experiences in the child education and how it influences in the personality they have in the future.

More than a book, the title does not deceive the public with what they are going to find. It's a compass to guide you and not get lost in the labyrinth of emotional intelligence.

The world of emotionsby Mireia Simó Rel

This work is a good start If you want to understand yourself and investigate your thoughts that bombard you. Entertaining and easy to read, it is a book suitable for starting to take the first steps into the world of feelings and emotions.

The normal questions about emotions will be resolved They will be answered with absolute clarity, which will reduce your levels of uncertainty and provide motivation to learn more about how you act when you feel that emotion.

Emotions for life. The path to your well-beingby Enric Corbera

This last book that we recommend, it is true that it is a slower read than the others, but its entire narrative focuses on important factor and that conditions our way of being: the emotional inheritance. Develops, with all kinds of details, the relationship between emotional intelligence of each individual with their experiences from the past.

The work will teach you to free yourself from traumas or preferences acquired in the past in order to progress in a healthy way with your emotions.

Recommended books They can show you some clues to be able to develop your emotional intelligence. Although they are useful works, They are not magic books that just by reading them you will become the person with the most appropriate emotional intelligence in the world.

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