The Blue sage It is the perfect species if you like the only and different; It is a very funny and special seedling, in addition to that it is very resistant, which you can not withdrence easily. In addition, he is a great representative of the most beautiful flowers in all of Mexico.
You should know that Blue sage It is not the same as aloe; This seedling has bright and attractive colors that, in fact, are the weakness of polarizers as hummingbirds, however, this is not its only quality, it has many more that will convince you of being the perfect plant for your garden.
Blue sage is originally from Mexico and the southern United States, mainly from the state of Texas.Gary Barnes / Pexels
Characteristics of blue sage
The Blue sage is also known as Salvia Farinacea And it is a perennial plant of the family of mints (Lamiaceae). Its flowers are very precious for bees and hummingbirds due to their striking purple, white and blue colors.
This peculiar flower is cultivated annually, although it has a short life duration that is around five years, because spending this time loses all its splendor and must be replaced.
The Blue sage It is originally from Mexico and the southern United States, mainly from the state of Texas. It has elongated and bright leaves that have spikes of flowers that bloom in the middle of spring until the end of summer, and if you receive the necessary care, it can grow up to two meters.
The floral spikes of this beautiful species last a long time, but when the inflorescence is withered, it is best to promote the formation of new flowers.Brooke Davis / Unspash
Blue sage and replacement
As we tell you, the Blue sage It begins its flowering at the end of spring and its floral rods can last until summer, even autumn if the climate in which it develops is warm. After this, he begins to decline.