Dogs' blood sugar levels should normally range between 60-111 mg/dL and 3.3-6.2 nmol/L. If, on the other hand, the values are chronically elevated, then we are talking about hyperglycemia. Values that are too low can indicate hypoglycemia.
Doctors also speak of “hyperglycemia” and “hypoglycemia” when blood sugar levels are elevated or too low. Here are the reference values in table form:
Blood sugar valuesReference rangeUnitNormal60 – 111mg/dLHypoglycemiamg/dLHyperglycemia> 111mg/dL[1]
Don't be surprised: In the literature you will sometimes find different information about the reference values. This is due to the different conditions in the laboratory. More on that in a moment.
In most cases, blood sugar levels are measured in mg/dL. However, if you have results in nmol/L, then the following table can help you:
Blood sugar valuesReference rangeUnitNormal3.3 – 6.2nmol/Lhypoglycemianmol/Lhyperglycemia> 6.2nmol/L[2]
You can also measure your blood sugar level at home using a blood sugar meter. Doctors also refer to this as a “glucometer”.
However, this only works with devices that have been specifically calibrated for dogs. To do this, a drop of blood is usually taken from the four-legged friend's ear using a lancing device.
The normal blood sugar levels for dogs are between 60-111 mg/dL. If the values are chronic or elevated to low, we are talking about hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Blood sugar levels are usually measured using a glucometer.
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Influencing factors
The following 4 factors can significantly influence dogs' blood sugar levels:
The dog's body takes all the carbohydrates and converts them into individual sugar molecules during digestion. These serve as energy suppliers.
To ensure that the muscles and organs are adequately supplied, the sugar is distributed through the blood. That's why we're also talking about blood sugar levels.
A dog food with very high or very few carbohydrates can therefore cause blood sugar values to deviate from the reference range in the table.
For reasons that are still unclear, toy poodles, Samoyeds, miniature schnauzers and pugs are said to struggle particularly often with diabetes.
Golden retrievers, German shepherds and American pit bull terriers, on the other hand, have a particularly low risk. In addition, female dogs are affected more often than male dogs. [3]
The primary job of insulin is to transport sugar from the blood into the cells. Only then can it be used to generate energy.
It can become a problem if the dog either produces too little insulin (type 1) or the body no longer responds adequately to insulin (type 2).
In addition to diabetes, there can also be other health problems behind it. You can find more detailed information about this in the next section [4]
Since insulin production is not constant throughout the day, there are constant changes in blood sugar levels throughout the day – especially after meals.
For this reason, it is important that blood sugar levels are measured at the same time and on an empty stomach. Only then are the results comparable.
Dogs' blood sugar levels are primarily influenced by diet, insulin levels, breed and time of day. Individual tests are therefore not very meaningful. This also applies if the results are above or below the standard values in the table.
Importance of increased values
Elevated blood sugar levels can, but do not necessarily, indicate a serious illness. So the values alone don't say much at first.
Elevated blood sugar levels in dogs are dangerous because they can damage the blood vessel walls. In the worst case, it can even end in a coma. The causes of this are:
- Hormonal disorders
- Side effect of medication
- Inflammation of the pancreas
- Chronic or severe stress
- Carbohydrate-rich food
- Increased progesterone levels
- Infections of certain organs
- Diabetes [5]
The first symptoms of diabetes include intense thirst, a constant need to urinate and weight loss despite eating more. Other symptoms include:
- Hyperactive behavior
- Constant urinary tract infections
- Non-healing wounds
- Enlarged liver
- Depressive behavior
- Bloodshot eyes [6]
Basically, treatment here always depends on the underlying cause. If your dog actually suffers from diabetes, the diet usually needs to be changed.
In addition to a low-carbohydrate diet, medication to prevent blood sugar spikes may also be necessary. Here you should contact the vet.
If the dog's blood sugar levels are consistently above the reference values in the table, this can indicate various illnesses. This can usually be recognized by the fact that affected four-legged friends become very thirsty and very hungry.
Importance of too low values
In addition to chronically elevated blood sugar levels, dogs can also struggle with hypoglycemia. Doctors refer to this as “hypoglycemia”.
In most cases, it is caused by over-medicating diabetic dogs. Other possible causes are:
- Severe liver disease
- Xylitol poisoning
- Inflammation of the pancreas
- Malnutrition
- Severe liver disease
- Tumor in the pancreas
- Excessive training
- Addison's disease [7]
In contrast to increased blood sugar levels, no vessel walls are damaged here. As a result, the organs are undersupplied with energy. Typical symptoms of this are:
- Dog tires quickly
- Listless behavior
- Sudden seizures
- Coordination problems
- Dog trembles when resting
- Strong feeling of thirst
- Dog suddenly collapses
- Muscle twitches
- Blurred vision [8]
In order to raise blood sugar levels quickly and briefly, dogs are usually given some simple sugar that can be digested relatively quickly.
In the long term, however, it is important to find out the underlying cause and tackle the problem at its root. The vet can help you here.
If the dog's blood sugar level is constantly below the normal values in the table, then it is hypoglycemia. What is noticeable here is that affected four-legged friends have little energy, start to tremble or even suddenly get cramps.
Blood sugar values as a graphic
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