Black cat spiritual meaning (esotericism) and dreaming of a cat (meaning

Black cat spiritual meaning Many people when they see a black cat, go back in their path and consider that it is a negative animal. However, did you know that in ancient times it was considered more of an animal that brought luck?

It is important to note that the cat is not only related to the world of superstition, but is also an animal that occupies a special place in esotericism.

Next, we will analyze the black cat spiritual meaning in antiquity, the Middle Ages and today:


The cat as a positive symbol in ancient history

The ancient civilization of Egypt considered the cat sacred and worshiped it as a god and even mummified it.

Sanskrit texts speak of their place in Indian life 2,500 years ago. Also the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who lived at that time, protected this animal and kept one in his company. He was also pleasing to Islam: in the seventh century Mohammed preached holding one in his arms.

In Japan, pagodas were inhabited to protect manuscripts from the voracity of mice. In all that time, the fact that a cat crossed a person’s path brought good luck. Why did things change?


The cat as a negative symbol in the Middle Ages

Throughout the European Middle Ages, black cats began to inspire distrust due to their avidity, inclination to theft, stubbornness, and above all because their proliferation in cities was a nuisance.

Stray cats, fed by old women and many saw a negative binomial in that cat/old woman association, especially when the cat was black and short-haired, and it was associated with witchcraft and magic.

This accumulation of things made a once prestigious animal, a despicable being and at the end of the Middle Ages they were hunted in such a way that they were almost in danger of extinction.


and…How is the cat seen nowadays?

We can point out that the answer to that question is ambiguous. In some places, to this day, they are still seen as negative. In this sense, in the Italian province of Abruzzo they are even blamed for nightmares, attributed to Pandafecha, a dark-haired cat that when the person sleeps settles on their chest and exerts pressure.

However, its positive side can also be clearly seen. Many people touch the back of a black cat three times with the three middle fingers of the right hand to cast aside good luck.


black cat spiritual meaning

From the esoteric point of view, the black cat has a spiritual meaning of providing protection; it is considered to defend its owner even from paranormal dangers and to detect negative disembodied presences.

It is also considered that it can predict the immediate future, since it is an animal endowed with psychic powers. ANDKeeping it as a pet can even encourage clairvoyance and even stimulate intuition.

The clear eyes of black cats symbolize, in the esoteric and spiritual world, the way one sees things and the need to grow not only materially but also spiritually towards other planes of consciousness.


What does it mean to dream of a black cat?

Dream about a black cat attacking you If you have this type of dream, it is important that you be careful, since it means that you will have to face a strong and powerful enemy. Therefore, it is recommended that you be psychologically prepared to be able to face this conflict and try to come out of it as a winner.

Dream about dead black cat This dream represents an internal conflict, as something is happening around you that is contrary to your conscience. It is necessary to find the source of this problem and try to fix it.

Dream of a black cat that crosses your path. You must be careful when making trips and if you can postpone it for a period of time; better. It can also mean that you will have a conversation that can lead to a heated argument. In this sense, it is recommended to remain calm and not fall into provocations.

Dream that you are feeding a black cat. Such a dream means that you have a good heart and that all the good things you have done in the past will be rewarded to you in the near future.

Dream of several black cats. If you have dreamed of several black cats that are together, it means that you should not trust your friends too much, because even if they seem sincere, they could deceive you, so you have to treat them with care.

Dream of a black cat sitting in your arms. This dream is not a good sign and indicates that you could accidentally participate in some unpleasant event with serious consequences in the future. So be very careful especially when going out at night.


The black cat questions and answers

When does the cat bring good luck? We have received many questions regarding this topic and the answer is always bring good luck as it is a positive power animal. The fact that in the Middle Ages it was linked to witchcraft has been to blame for its bad image.

What does it mean if a black cat comes to your door? It signifies good luck and future prosperity especially if the cat comes and sits in front of you raising and lowering its head three times.


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