He Black bamboo It is a reality and, unlike the traditional green, yellow and brown colors, it has its completely dark stem, which makes it very attractive and, above all, a great touch when decorating your home. Although it is an exotic species, you can have one at home, as long as you have the ideal space to live healthily. This type of bamboo is extremely special and, unlike green, is much older.
He Black bamboo It is originally from Asia, but it is common for you to find it in South America, Australia and Africa, although in the latter it is considered invasive because depending on the conditions, it has excessive reproduction. This bamboo is usually very resistant because its black color absorbs a lot of light, which makes it much stronger.
Black bamboo is originally from Asia, although it is also common to find it in South America, Australia and Africa.Soniabonet via getty images
Black bamboo types
- Black bamboo Timor: This can reach up to 21 meters high and is mainly salt tolerant.
- Giant black bamboo: It can grow 2 to 6 meters high and originally from Indonesia.
- Black dwarf bamboo: This species is much smaller, since it can only grow from 1 to two meters high.
Black bamboo and its medicinal use
Like the bamboo Traditional, black has medicinal uses because it is used as purification, diuretic, expectorant, sedative and a good remedy to relieve fever, vomiting, and nasal hemorrhages, thanks to the juice of the stems, its cortex and its powerful root.
How to have a black bamboo at home
Because it is an ornamental plant, the Black bamboo It can grow in a home garden but must be very specific to grow beautiful and healthy. The best thing is that it develops in a humid floor and in a space where you can receive the direct sun to maintain its dark color. This bamboo is so resistant that it also supports half light and shadow, however, it is likely to decrease the intensity of its tone.
About its size, you don't have to worry, because the Black bamboo It reaches 10 meters in a course of 10 years and usually adapts to small spaces.
Bamboo and its meaning
He bamboo It has a special place in the spiritual and the esoteric, since it has been related to positivism, virtue, strength, perseverance, simplicity, humility, peace, wisdom, flexibility, renewal, happiness, growth and respect.
He bamboo It aims to give you a special lesson on flexibility, because if you pay attention this plant can be folded where the air indicates, supporting the pressure without abandoning its resistance, since it can successfully adapt to the world around it.