Biznaga: care and how to grow it

Reasons to carry a Biznaga At home we are left over, in fact, Nico himself, in I am your fanhe made them very clear during his work in the Botanical Garden. And it is that Nico always proved to be, in addition to an optimistic faithful, a great lover of plants, even without realizing it gave us great lessons and advice on how to take care of some and convince us what is indicated (or indicated) for us; Among these, one of his favorites: the Biznaga.

His name is Echinocactus Platiacanthusbetter known as Biznaga (and easier to remember), it is a cactus of slow growth and, if you have the care it requires, you can live more than a hundred years, therefore, it is considered one of the longest within its species.

Follow the advice of Nico and Admate to the Biznagas fever.

It is a very special cactus

The Biznaga It is part of the family of Cactáceas and stands out for its globular forms; It is considered one of the most emblematic cactus in Mexico.

Adapting is not a problem

For developing in arid and semi -arid environments, at its spherical ends it stores water that loses in minimal amounts by evaporation, which it retains in its fabrics, which makes it an easy cactus to care for.

How to take care of a biznaga.Stephanie Harvey / Unspash

It has beautiful flowers

The Biznaga It has large, colorful and aromatic flowers. These attract butterflies, hummingbirds, bats and bees, which contribute to their pollination. These beautiful flowers are daytime, tubular, usually yellow or red and appear at the end of spring and summer.

Love the sun

Biznaga is a 100 % sun cactussince this is the one who helps him grow; If you do not get enough light, you may not grow well, you could even stagnate and not achieve full development. If it is impossible for you to keep your Biznaga All the time under sunlight, do not worry, you can move it for certain hours, especially during the summer, because the direct sun may burn the plant in warm seasons.