Bitch howls while mating – is that normal? We clarify!

Many myths circulate about dog mating.

The story persists that a bitch often howls when mated and feels pain.

However, this cannot happen with serious breeding. This article explains why this is so.

Causes: Why does a bitch howl when mating?

If a bitch loudly refuses to be mated, this is never a good sign, nor is it natural.

Normally she should no pain feel when covering.

But if they still very young is or the mating male much larger or heavier than her, penetration can still be painful.

Also can a bitch out of protest howl when decking because she simply doesn’t want to be climbed.

This may be because they no sympathy feels for the male or straight not in heat and therefore refuses mating.

If it’s an inexperienced or anxious bitch, it can too Fear to express.

Do Dogs Pain When Mating?

Although a mating can look rough, dogs commonly have no pain when mating.

In the case of very young bitches or bitches that are very small compared to male dogs, pain can occur because they physically not or not yet up to the male dog are. You can find out here which age is best for mating a bitch.

Because the erect penis of the male dog has a cavernous body that swells towards the ejaculation and fills the bitch’s vagina, i.e. closes it, so to speak.

This is called «node» or «Hang“.

With a pair of dogs big difference in size this can be problematic for the bitch’s vagina.

A male should by nature only be interested in pregnant bitches, but there are hypersexualized maleswho want to climb almost everything.

How can I make mating easier for my bitch?

With an uncomplicated mating in a reputable breeder, the mating will work by itself.

Then the most important thing is to pay attention to the well-being of the bitch and also to respect their limits.

Experienced breeders know their bitches and can therefore judge when and with whom they are ready to mate.

Anyone who is new to breeding should pay particular attention to the behavior of the bitch and whether she wants to be mounted by a male.

For the heat of bitches exist average benchmarkswhen they offer the highest chance of fertilization: one and a half to two weeks after the start of heat.

In practice, however, this is much more common very individual varies from bitch to bitch, so you should trust your own powers of observation.

If necessary, the veterinarian can also determine the ideal mating time in the laboratory.

Often a bitch will be mounted twice by the same male within a few hours to increase the success rate.

That’s not a problem either, but the bitch should afterwards at least 48 hours break may have.

It is also helpful for mating if at least one of the dogs is already Experience brings.

Mating dogs should not be left unattended, but should also be given the undisturbed quiet to engage in mating.


The rumor still persists that a bitch should be allowed to have at least one whelp before considering spaying.

This is nonsense and makes for a highly problematic reproduction, in which the puppies are not or only with difficulty placed in the end.

What else do I have to consider when mating the bitch?

Whether a cover jump will work or not cannot be predicted.

So if a pairing has no consequences, you shouldn’t be disappointed or look for causes.

Even if mating went without any problems, fertilization is dependent on many factors and therefore to a certain extent also a matter of luck.

In the event that it doesn’t work out with your desired male, you should already have a replacement male in mind.

A proper studbook is also important for serious breeding.

After all, dogs should not be reproduced in an uncontrolled and thoughtless manner, but should be used responsibly in breeding.

Finally, if your bitch does not want to be mated by a male, you should also avoid artificial insemination.


Puppies are cute without question! However, you should not breed your bitch just to raise a litter of puppies.

Puppies are not only a lot of work, but pregnancy and birth is also physically demanding for a bitch and not without complications.


Many dog ​​owners toy with the idea of ​​having their bitch mated in order to later keep a puppy for themselves.

In addition, every breeding starts with a first bitch and a first mating.

A responsible mating is painless and fearless for the bitch.

Have you grown yourself? How did mating go for your bitch? Tell us your story (and post your cutest puppy photos!) in the comments.