Birch leaf amulet spiritual meaning and magical properties

Birch leaf amulet meaning Birch leaf has been used as an amulet for many centuries. This is due to the fact that the tree itself has a strong spiritual meaning.

Let’s see next, first, the botanical aspect of the birch to then deal with its magical properties as a tree and we will also analyze the meaning of the birch leaf amulet.


Its botanical appearance

The birch is a tree, typical of temperate zones, which reaches a height between 10 and 20 meters, takes 25 years to bear its first fruits and can live up to a hundred.

Its leaves are wide, it has shallow roots and a strong trunk, even its bark does not decompose. In addition, it has brown hanging branches, petiolate leaves, with or without fleeting stipules.

Birch flowers are known as catkins. Both male and female flowers are present on the same tree, although they develop separately. The male flowers begin to develop in the summer, endure the winter, and wait until the female flowers appear in the spring. They court the wind as a pollinator and distributor of their tiny winged seeds, which are so light they can be carried for several hundred miles.

Let’s see, then, more specifically the spiritual meaning tree and the birch leaf amulet meaning.


tree symbolism

As one of the first trees to put on its spring dress, it is only natural that the birch has always been associated with the power to give life and has featured prominently in fertility rites and the magic. The birch signalizes the arrival of spring and traditionally farmers watched its progress to determine when to plant their wheat

In pre-Christian times, the birch tree played an important role in the Beltain celebrations, which traditionally take place on the eve of May 1. Throughout Europe, faint echoes of this pagan holiday have survived to this day as May Day festivals and rural shows. May Day is the celebration of spring, love, life and fertility.

On this day, the whole community, or sometimes just the boys and girls, go out into the forest to look for the “maypole”, which is most often a young birch tree. Much fanfare accompanies the procession on its return to town. The tree is decorated with colorful ribbons, shortbread cookies and other goodies and is attached to the top of a pole that stands in the town square.

In the old days, the raucous party went on all day and often into the night, with much eating, drinking, singing, dancing, and general revelry, much to the dismay of the church authorities. Efforts were made to suppress these ancient and colorful pagan celebrations, but to no avail. Dancing around the maypole is still popular in many rural areas, although modern celebrations are subdued compared to those of the past and today have been sanctioned by the church.


leaf symbolism

Birch Leaf Amulet Meaning #1 For Good Luck Birch leaf is undoubtedly a sign of good luck. If you see it around you, it symbolizes that good and lucky things are coming. This will tell you that something will change and that it will change for the better. If you carry it as an amulet inside your wallet, it will help luck to accompany you on your way and all your efforts will bear sweet fruit. It is a symbol that with hard work and dedication, you will reach greater heights.

Birch leaf amulet meaning #2 For protection If you wear it as I said around your neck, you will be able to face your fears with all your strength.

Birch leaf amulet meaning #3 To avoid or prevent the evil eye, a birch leaf is carried inside a small red velvet bag or sack and kept in a pocket.

The birch leaf amulet meaning #4 For newborns In order to protect a newborn from any ill-intentioned person or spirit, a couple of birch leaves are placed in the crib.

Birch magical and healing properties

Magical virtues and the power to drive away calamities have been attributed to this tree since ancient times, as it is believed to be inhabited by forest spirits. In the pagan tradition, its branches were used to appease them, and the Christian superstitious tradition grants these same branches the power to give comfort to the soul in pain.

In relation to Norse mythology, it is related to Frigga, Norse goddess of love, sky and clouds. In ancient Finnish folklore, the birch appears in epic ballads and epics that describe the ages of human beings and their transformation.

In Ireland, it was also said that the birch grows at the Gates of Paradise and that it is a tree «of Sun and Sky».

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The birch is a very robust tree, related to the alder and the hazel, which lives in countries with a temperate climate. It also thrives in regions (…)

An old Welsh custom is for a man to give a birch garland to the woman he loves and for her to do the same, if that is the case.

Birch leaves and twigs have traditionally been used as a amulet to ward off negative spirits. To do this, the possessed person must be gently hit.

The resinous quality of birch bark gives off a totally pure fragrance after rain. If strips of birch bark are burned, they give off a blue flame and perfume the air; it is an excellent wood for any magical fire. In general, it helps to concentrate and lift your spirits.

There is a magical remedy for skin blemishes (freckles), acne and dandruff with birch. In this sense, a small hole is made in the trunk of the tree and a straw is inserted inside to collect the sage that drips into a jug or plate. . Add to this sage 6 cloves and a little cinnamon


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