Biography of Aura Cristina Geithner: her naked life

From her times as María Conchita in the telenovela The rose of the winds up to her facet as a businesswoman, going through her career as a model and singer, we share with you a complete biography of Aura Cristina Geithner: her naked life, her artistic career and her loves, many of them controversial, as full of intrigues and passions as the of the characters he has embodied on television.

Aura Cristina Geithner was born in Bogotá on March 9, 1967; so, although many think that she is Mexican, no gentlemen, she is the daughter of our little land. The confusion occurs because of the season that she lived in the “manito” country during her youth. She is the twin sister of Harry Geithner, who is also an actor. According to what she herself has told in several interviews, at the age of two her father was transferred to the Central American nation, for which she defines herself as Colombian by birth, but Mexican by upbringing.

“I had a wonderful childhood although, unbelievably for some, I was an intelligent, precocious, but very shy girl. I always felt that I had the ability to help a lot of people (…) my goal was to become a missionary and that is why I studied international relations, ”she confessed in an interview with Snail Channel.

Despite his vocation, he had material for an artist, since he studied painting and sculpture. Upon returning to Colombia, she dedicated herself to acting and modeling, having already become an extremely beautiful woman. She then she made her debut in the soap opera The rose of the winds.

A long list of TV hits then followed:

  • I’ll teach you to love (1990)
  • The house of the two palms (1991)
  • blood of wolves (1992)
  • Zaina the filly (1993)
  • Eternally Manuela (nineteen ninety five)
  • Men (1997)
  • And a long etcetera later, both in Colombia and in Venezuela and Mexico, which we will address in another note dedicated specifically to the novels of this artist.
  • In 2011 he starred in the cinema film Swell.
  • In 2014 he participated in two other Mexican film productions.

In addition, this blonde has another unsuspected ability: writing; Yes, this is how you read it, in 1998 he published the book of poetic prose confessionsedited by Planeta publishing house.

And she is also a singer. In 1994, she released her first record not associated with any novel, an album called Heat, with the Sonolux seal. In 1997 she recorded Firm to the end, which is still unpublished. Finally, in 2017 she released the mini album Mexican music. Take a look at one of his most recent music videos below.

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Y is that she seems to be a full time romantic. while rolling The rose of the winds had an affair with Miguel Varoni, who at the time was married to actress Patricia Ércole. In 1998 she married actor Marcelo Dos Santos, whom she divorced after two years of marriage. In 2011 she remarried, this time with Thomas Corell, a Dane whom she met online and whom she also divorced after she divorced for 24 months, presumably because she wanted to be her mother again.

He is currently promoting his own line of bags on his Instagram account, whose brand bears his name…

also vibrates with: Aura Cristina Geithner causes dental floss commotion

With information from: TV snail, Y