Graft is a line of disposable utensils made with polylactic acid from corn starch. This line of bioplastic stands out for its excellent design, since these plates and tableware look like fruits and vegetables, which makes them disposable objects that we want to keep.
Since the size, shape, and color of the utensils we eat with can influence how we perceive our food, Graft’s plates play with our senses by presenting us with bowls that look like melons, knives that look like celery, and spoons that look like carrots.
Qiyan Deng, who designed the utensils as part of her master’s project, she would “love to introduce bioplastic to people without having to use words to do it… It’s a beautiful material that deserves good design, not just a moral exhortation . Since bioplastics are made from plants, why can’t they look like themselves?»
Bioplastic plates and cutlery are disposable and their texture and design always corresponds to a practical tool and not entirely aesthetically pleasing, so Deng hopes that his designs give these utensils their own narrative and that they «excite the sense of taste.» after people see them.»
[Fast Co.Exist]
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