Binaural sounds: the reason why they really change consciousness

No scientific explanation involvedbinaural sounds could be good for cultivating well-being for the simple reason of constituting a ritual. Many people have experienced benefits from putting on headphones and listening to these sounds to perform an activity (or to stop doing it and relax). But for this to work, the key – as with any other ritual – lies in the frequency with which you expose your ears to these sounds.

Behind the binaural sounds hides a complex neural process that reacts to the electricity they produce. The entire brain is stimulated by the frequencies and synchrony of these sounds and responds to it, either with reflexes or through a high cognitive level. The original proposal of synctuition (a site created to have the best binaural experience) drives the theory that these binaural sounds stimulate intuition, since it works with “computational” capacities generated by a specific type of brain activity. Thus, although intuition seems to only work automatically, it is actually part of the complex electrical process that occurs in the brain.

But how do binaural beats work?

These are specific tones or frequencies, differentiated by small magnitudes in each ear. For example, in one ear the frequency may be 300Hz and in another 310Hz, which causes the brain to produce a three-dimensional, or illusory, 10Hz sound. This, our brain creates from the stimulus and trying to «synchronize» with the frequencies to which it is exposed. Also because the brain produces its own waveswhich have a greater impact on our lives than we might believe…

The Power of Electricity and Frequencies: Lucid Dreaming and Monk Consciousness

Our nearly 100 trillion neurons are pure electricity: interconnected cells that transmit information and generate electrical nerve impulses. Whatever you are doing varies these electrical waves, which means that you can stimulate the brain more or less at will.. This will depend on the perception you want to generate at a given moment and the state of consciousness you want to reach (because the neurons, moved by these waves, also send substances to various parts of the brain that change our state of mind).

In fact, diverse studies they have used precisely the brain waves (of which there are five, and they are categorized by the Greek alphabet) to check the benefits of binaural sounds and their impact on the brain. Frequencies from 4 to 7Hz, as can be seen through electroencephalograms, generate theta-type waves in the brain, associated with lucid dreaming and states of deep meditation, such as those reached by monks. While others, for example gamma, from 32 to 100Hz, are associated with states of high cognition.

We really depend a lot on what happens around our body. For this reason, binaural sounds have an undeniable effect; that this is really beneficial we can verify it empirically, although there are also hundreds of investigations in which many of these benefits have been provenamong which are the stimulation of memory and even the relief of chronic pain.

Here is an album produced by Robert Rich from the binaural frequencies:

Anyway, we recommend you not to stop checking its virtues. Soon we will make a guide so that your experience with binaural sounds is the best and most complete; Don’t stop following Ecoosphere.

* Main illustration: Uri Shapira

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