In ancient times, it was very common to use books for fortune telling. At that time, it was strongly believed that books carried with them hidden meanings, so books had more purposes than just conveying knowledge to the reader. Bibliomancy emerged in the Roman Empire, a technique known as the art of guessing the future through the use of books.

The term bibliomancy is derived from the Greek “Biblio”, which translates into Spanish as book, and “Manteia”, which means to guess in Spanish. In general terms, Bibliomancy is recognized as the rite that consists of opening a book at random and interpreting the first paragraph that can be read on the page. However, the art of bibliomancy can be carried out in two ways, with the direct method and the indirect method.

The direct method is that the bibliomancer is responsible for guiding himself to be able to open the book on the right page. For a more concrete divination, the bibliomancer usually keeps his eyes closed while he gets the page to be used. Likewise, the person interested in reading can also be asked to open the book himself.

However, the indirect method is carried away by nature. For this divination method, the bibliomancer opens the book right down the middle in a space where there is a good draft, and lets the wind blow through the pages to determine which paragraph will be used for the reading.

Bibliomancy can be carried out even by the interested party, autonomously, however, this is not recommended, since it is thought that the expectations of the results that can be obtained with this divination may interfere with them, for which reason it is not recommended. it is an objective prediction and has no value.

Although it is not a commonly used technique, there are currently people who prefer Bibliomancy over other methods, for which they use some classic books or a book with which those interested in reading feel a special affinity.

Bibliomancy, despite the fact that its origins are attributed to the Roman Empire, did not have a really popular boom until the Middle Ages, when the Virgil’s Aeneid it was used to predict the future of the interested party who consulted the bibliomancer.

The exemplary book of bibliomancy in the East is the I Chinga book that contains numerous divinatory quotes that were selected through the throwing of special coins, being a method widely used in China even today.

It is possible to affirm, with total certainty, that bibliomancy is a very particular method of predicting the future, however, it is as exact as the wide range of existing arts and methods for this purpose, being a great alternative for all those who wish to know a little more about your future, simply and quickly.