Between tears, Andrea Valdiri said that ‘El Miura’ relapsed into drugs

Visibly affected and in tears, Andrea Valdiri said that ‘El Miura’ relapsed into drugsWell, he knew it through some sad videos where the young man is seen under the influence of some substance.

In mid-September 2020, it went viral on social media a particular video in which a young street dweller in the city of Barranquilla declared his love to Andrea Valdiri and even invited her to dance with him. that young man was ‘The Mira’, a man who with his original movements managed to capture the attention of hundreds of Internet users.

The images quickly reached the hands of Valdiri herself, who immediately went in search of Steven de Jesus Mercado Mendoza, better known as El Miura, to whom he would give a wonderful surprise.

One of the most notable characteristics of the also businesswoman is his good heart and his willingness to help those who need it mostso constantly makes donations and charities for people with limited resources, so once he knew the story of ‘El Miura’ he decided to get down to work.

During their meeting he not only bathed him, but also gave him new clothes and shoes. However, that was not the only reason for his visit, because right there He talked to him about the idea of ​​going to rehab, to which he happily agreed.

Between tears, Andrea Valdiri said that ‘El Miura’ relapsed into drugs

Since then ‘El Miura’ was under treatment in a care center where he received all the help to get out of his addictions, which was constantly supervised by the barranquillera herself and his work team. In the same way, she received other treatments such as orthodontics that gave her back her smile and an operation on one of her lower limbs.

Months later the young man completed his therapy and returned to his neighborhood to sell fast food, all with the help of his godmother, who also helped his older brother so that together they could get ahead. However, even though it took a lot of effort on his part, recently the barranquillera released a news with which it generated great sadness to its followers.

‘El Miura’ relapsed

Well, through your Instagram stories, ‘La Machi’ told in the midst of a painful cry that from the early hours of the morning he was receiving several videos in which they told him «the circus is over» and «you lost the money you invested in ‘El Miura'», because in them the young man appeared under the influence of some hallucinogenic substance.

In the short clips the Valdiri explained that his sadness was in no way a matter of money, because this did not matter to him.; what really hurt him was the love and dedication with which he had tried to help the young man and the wickedness of the people around him, who encouraged him to continue in this world and who were glad to see him like this.

Here the words of the barranquillera:

Later, some images were released in which «El Miura» reappeared, acknowledging his mistakes and promptly asking the influencer for forgiveness, but details about any communication between the two are unknown.

And you, what do you think about this news? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!