Besides the Big Bang, are there other theories for the origin of the universe?

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Yes, but almost all of them have been refuted. All civilizations studied by anthropology have had some kind of cosmogony (an understanding of how the world came to be). Even modern scientific thinking has changed its idea The as far as The Space observation technology developed and new discoveries were made. This issue is so tough that the physicist Albert Einstein avoided getting into disagreement, saying that, for he, time is infinite for both sides, and therefore the Universe has always existed. A Next, we list some alternative theories to the Big Bang model.

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natural cosmological selection

For Canadian physicist Lee Smolin, from the Perimeter Institute, our Universe would have emerged from a black hole in another universe, a structure that looks a lot like The Big Bang singularity. Based on Darwin’s thinking, each universe would give origin The many others and these “child universes” would have characteristics similar to those of the “parent”.

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M theory

This explanation tries to unite The Einstein’s theory of gravitation with The quantum mechanics, suggesting that there is universes parallel to ours. The Big Bang would be the result of the collision between two of them. This idea derives from superstring theory, which says that The Matter is made up of microscopic strings vibrating in space-time. Every vibration would give origin The a type of elementary particle.

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loop quantum gravity

attempt to reconcile The quantum mechanics with The theory of general relativity. Before “our” Universe existed, there would be another one, which also emerged from a supermassive point, expanded and began The shrink, coming The Big Bang singularity. In this case, it gives for know what our destiny will be…

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