Bernedoodle Breed Portrait (With Pictures & Info)

Again Surname already a good one Notice there is the Bernedoodle a successful and lovable hybrid of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a poodle.

The rather cozy Swiss in connection with that highly intelligent and lively curly head is a fascinating hybrid breed with a character all of its own.

As “Designer Dog” he unites them many positive qualities of both breedsdo not count in vain Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle are among the popular dog breeds our latitudes.

Bernedoodle Wanted Poster

Size Male: 35 to 70 cm, female: 30 to 65 cmWeightMale: 7 to 40 kg, female: 5 to 35 kgColorsBrown, black, whiteLife expectancy12 to 15 yearsOriginCanadacharacter/temperamentCheerful, intelligent, good-natured, child-friendly, openFCI groupnot officially recognized as a breed


like you at the wide range of weight and size you already recognized in our profile, it exists Bernedoodle in three sizes.

Depending on whether the Bernese Mountain Dog crossed with a King Poodle, a Standard Poodle or a Toy Poodle was, arise same colors but of course different statures.

The Standard Bernedoodle is from one King Poodle or Standard Poodle crossed with the Bernese Mountain Dog.

Here the maximum shoulder height of 70 cm as well as that Maximum weight of 40 kg be reached.

The Mini Bernedoodle reaches one Shoulder height up to 55 cm and weighs around 20kg. One of the parents here is the Miniature Poodle.

The Toy Bernedoodle as smallest representative and bred from the Toy Poodle maximum 43 cm with no more than 10 kg.

All Bernedoodles have one thing in commonthat she in Brown, black or white appear.

where one combination from the three colors common in the form of spots is. Black is dominant.

The coat texture is rather shaggy to wavy, because the poodle usually gets through here. The Fur feels soft and fluffy.

The stature leaves Similarities to the poodle recognize, whereas the Ears typical of the Bernese Mountain Dog as floppy ears turn up.

Although breeders keep accurate records of both the bitch and the dog, it can never be predicted exactly what this hybrid dog will look like when it ages.

History & Origin of the Bernedoodle

Even for a hybrid breed, the Bernedoodle is still quite young. There are therefore no reliable or standardized statements, especially with regard to life expectancy.

The presented for the first time became the Bernedoodle in the year 2003 from the Swiss breeder Sherry Rupka.

The goal of breeding was a Combination of the poodle’s intelligence and freedom from allergies with the long-suffering serenity of the Bernese Mountain Dog connect to.

Nature & Character of the Bernedoodle

The Bernese Mountain Dog is robust nature boy known and is in the genes of the poodle a hunter on the lookout.

The Bernedoodle is thus a wonderful outdoor companion for any weather.

Besides that the Education and socialization early on must use, this hybrid is as willing to learn and friendly known.

Only rarely is there a suspicious fellow among them.

Open and good-natured most Bernedoodles go on yours friends, even strangers to.

This enables you to make new contacts on your long walks or during dog sports.

attitude & upbringing

Although the Bernese Mountain Dog is considered to be a cozy companion who also «let go» from time to time, he is by no means a bedside rug that just wants to doze off.

One Townhouse with short laps around the block will him not happy make.

A House with its own garden however, very well. However, you shouldn’t leave him alone for too long.

Under social contacts the Bernedoodle not only understands you and your family as well as friends but especially children.

Even with that neighbor cat can he make friends if he trained early on will accept them.

Because of his possible genetic hip problems should the Bernedoodle do not climb stairs excessively must.

He’ll enjoy a big penthouse in the city and long jogs or bike rides, but only if you have an elevator in it.

Even experienced breeders give their Bernedoodle puppies to beginners in dog ownership away.

However, you should think about the rules before you buy and move in.

premature Setting boundaries, learning commands, and befriending family and other close ones no problemwhen all in one orderly frame plays.


On the other hand, he will not accept big mistakes in upbringing and daily changing requirements and commands for long.

Health & Care

As uncomplicated as the character of the Bernedoodle is, grooming is intensive and complex. Already that lively puppy should get used to this ritual.

the more that fur resembling the poodlethe less hair you have to brush out.

But that’s not the end of it tangles comes, it may be that your darling trimmed should be.

The floppy ears of the Bernedoodle need yours special attention.

You don’t just want checked for contamination become, but also on excessive growth of hair in the ears.

The greatest danger for Bernedoodles goes from the Hips out of.

Both Bernese Mountain Dogs and Poodles tend to breed hip diseasesespecially if the breeder has crossed with King Poodles.

There Bernese Mountain Dogs have a much shorter life expectancy than a toy poodle, life expectancy is also shorter.

Nonetheless, the Bernedoodle has a life expectancy from at least 6 to 8 years up to a maximum of 15 years, as long as your fur nose does not have any diseases.

His Life expectancy is also depending on the size.

Is the Bernedoodle right for me?

You are still largely inexperienced in owning a dog, but you want one Companion in all situations? Then the Bernedoodle is perfect for you.

The leisurely and uncomplicated Art of the Bernese Mountain Dog paired with the lively intelligence of the poodle makes one active dogwho too to enjoy quiet hours white.

Fun facts about Bernedoodle

Basically are Bernedoodles very tolerable and adaptable.

Provided that Poodle in him doesn’t come out too strongly and pairs his intelligence with one certain stubbornness.

Will the grooming not to one regular ritual from an early agethe calm and patience of the Bernese Mountain Dog can quickly be over.

Then you have one energetic bundle temperament in the hand.

In some Bernedoodles the poodle like that to appearthat you, instead of a cozy buddy on the sofa, suddenly find yourself confronted with a neighbor’s cat hunter.

Do you already live with a Bernedoodle? Then maybe you can share your experience with this fluffy four-legged friend with us. 🙂

We are happy!