The «Flower of Flowers», Ylang Ylang is a source of tranquility that with its sweet aroma, can treat episodes of depression, insomniaand in addition different aesthetic properties for the benefit of skin, hair, and even intimacy.

Originally from the Asian continent, the ylang ylang It is grown mainly in Java, Sumatra and the Comoros Islands. Its flower has long leaves, soft to the touch, usually yellow and mauve, but it can also be found in pink. The ylang-ylang born from a tree calling Cananga Odoratawhich although it is typical of the Asian continent, has also been transferred to Central America and northern South America. The Cananga can reach a height of 12 meters, and the first time it was described by a botanist was in the book ‘Flora Indica’ written by joseph dalton Hooker and Thomas Thomson in 1855.

According to the doctor, Alejandra González, the Ylang Ylang has beneficial effects “for the skin in the acne caseAlso in the hair growth and thinning, and skin irritation. With regard to circulation, Ylang Ylang treats the high blood pressure, tachycardia and palpitations. Also in the nervous system decreases the tendency to depression, impotence, insomnia, and stress.”

For centuries in Asia its essential oil has been extracted to treat multiple ailments. It is popularly believed that Ylang Ylang can ward off malaria, lower fever, and cure a wide variety of digestive system infections. Likewise, as part of marriage ritualsYlang Ylang flowers are scattered on the wedding bed of the newlyweds, because is considered as a powerful aphrodisiac.

This large and showy flower has a very sweet aroma, which Instantly improves mood. In fact, it is taken into account when treating episodes of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and improve sleep at night. In case of planning its use, you can perform a full body massage, mixing a few drops of Ylang Ylang with a jojoba creamalmond or coconut.

At once, Ylang Ylang contains salicylic acidwhich that one substance implemented in anti-acne productspsoriasis, in addition to being an active component in shampoos that reduce dandruffbeing able to restore hair shine and eliminate split ends. On the other hand, this component allows cell regeneration Y the tension of the skin layersmaking it an effective ally for rejuvenation.

Ylang Ylang is commonly used in aromatherapy, but there are recommendations that it can be taken in juice or in a tablespoon of honey in order to enhance its effects. However, you have to be careful with the dosage because the concentrate is extremely powerful, so only one or two drops will be enough to take advantage of its benefits.