Regardless of the presentation, whether in a bar, shampoo or as a mask, Activated carbon is beneficial for the health of the human being, becoming a conquering ingredient of beauties for the whole world. It is known that this natural element contains special properties for detoxification of the body; For this reason, it has been used in water filters, since carbon has the ability to absorb toxins, and in the world of medicine it has been used to cure any type of poisoning.

Activated carbon, in the area of ​​beauty, It is used for deep cleaning of the skin, since it is an absorbent of oil, being ideal for oily skin and with acne, reducing the pores of the body.. The director of the large global beauty products company called “Origins”, Wendy Brooks has commented that «charcoal is an excellent natural ingredient to help purify and cleanse the skin»; He has also ensured that activated carbon masks have been one of the company’s best sellers.

Without a doubt, this mineral is highly effective for improving the skin, as it has the great ability to reduce stains, bad odors that are on the skin and any bacteria that could clog the pores of the skin; though, the New York dermatologist named Omar Torreshas asserted that all the benefits of activated carbon are purely cosmetic, since it only has the ability to superficially cleanse the skin, giving as an example natural products such as mud and clay: “These products only serve to superficially cleanse the skin, just like other creams that are not prescribed for deep cleansing”; in this way, Torres has made it clear that he is completely unaware of its medicinal benefits.”

This wonderful product that has been given by the planet has great rejuvenating properties; since it has been used to stop the negative effects of the passing of the years within our body, helping the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands, delaying cell aging for a long time.

Apart from having benefits to combat acne or any superficial problem that you have; Activated charcoal is ideal for first aid when dealing with any type of drug overdose, as it absorbs approximately sixty grams of harmful substances; Besides, it is excellent for stomach problems, because Charcoal has become a useful tool for the treatment of diarrhoea, stomach inflammation and gas, incredibly releasing the stomach, helping intestinal activity to normalize.

In short, activated charcoal can be an excellent alternative for the health of your body by nourishing, moisturizing and purifying your skin; also, for its great capacity to combat infinities of problems of the organism. It is recommended that, in any of its presentations, it not be used excessively and follow the instructions of experts.