Because the glass of a candle smokes or turns black, what does it mean?

Because the glass of a candle smokes We have been sent to our email questions such as: Why does the glass of the candle smoke? Because the glass of my candle turned black; Does this have any meaning in the spirit world? Could you post about why the glass of a candle smokes? What does it mean that a candle smokes from the esoteric point of view?

Due to the fact that all these questions revolve around the issue of the candle that smokes or turns black, we have considered it important to explain it below:


General features

When burning a candle, many people notice black spots or a dark ring forming around the rim or inside of the candle holder or jar that contains the candle.

From a scientific point of view, this fact can be caused by a build-up of soot, a black powdery substance made up of small carbon particles that are released from the candle flame during incomplete combustion, but what is that? Let’s take a simple look at this situation.


The scientific aspect

Wax is mainly made up of hydrocarbons, large molecules containing hydrogen (H) and carbon (C). When burned, the wax vaporizes and reacts with oxygen (O) in the air to produce heat, light, water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

When a candle burns, the heat from the flame melts the top layer of wax, which then rises up the wick and is used as more fuel for the flame. If the rhythm of the flame melting the wax and the rhythm of the wax fueling the flame are in perfect balance, you will have a wonderfully calm and stable candle flame.

Incomplete combustion occurs if that balance is broken and the wax enters the flame faster than it can burn. When this occurs, the excess wax is released as soot. You may see soot being produced in the form of black smoke, slowly settling on the sides and around the rim of the candle jar.

In other words, the soot turns the jar black when the candle doesn’t burn cleanly. This can happen depending on several factors, including

  • the type of wax
  • wick length
  • The flicker of the flame

However, from the spiritual point of view, there are other explanations. Let’s see, next, why the glass of a candle smokes the spiritual and esoteric meaning.


Its spiritual meaning

Because the glass of a candle smokes Spiritual meaning #1 May indicate known spiritual presences The first hypothesis that we must raise is the presence of energies or spiritual presences that can be known. We may be talking about someone who has passed away.

Sometimes we are visited by people who have passed away. Think about it, has anyone close to you used candles at home? Did they buy them often?

This may indicate that this person was simply visiting you, leaving a way for you to find out that they did. If that’s the case, you simply don’t have to worry.


Because the glass of a candle smokes Spiritual meaning #2 It can indicate negativity in the environment In the event that the use of candles in the house is new and cannot find an explanation through the deceased, we may be dealing with an environment charged with negativity.

In general, it is normal for there to be places with bad energy. If you are receiving many visitors in your house, someone may leave some negativity in the environment. Therefore, it is recommended to clean and purify the home. At the end of this article we have a very simple ritual that you can do!


Because the glass of a candle smokes Spiritual meaning #3 We may be dealing specifically with unknown spirits If not only the glass of the candle smokes or turns black, but also the candle (which was a different color) and the smoke comes out very dark, according to esotericism, it may be directly related to unknown spirits.

If this is the case, you should do a spiritual cleansing of your body and soul with a coarse salt bath and, in addition, clean the environment where you live (your house) through a ritual that we have at the end of this article.


Because the glass of a candle smokes Spiritual meaning #4 It can be a cry for help Finally, we have a hypothesis that rarely occurs. Therefore, we recommend that you do not think about it so much and opt for the previous alternatives.

There are those who believe that when the candle turns black or smokes, it can indicate that a spiritual being is trying to reveal himself to you, since he needs your help to achieve spiritual peace. In that case, you should pray for that spirit to go to the light.


Ritual of cleansing and purification for the body, soul and environment

It is true that, sometimes, if a glass of candle smokes it can be negative, hence some protection does not hurt.

So, with that in mind, we have decided to put below a simple ritual to purify your house or a certain environment.

You will only have to gather 7 sheets of laurel dry and place them burning on a white plate, but always turning them off and on. We say this because you have to try to get as much smoke as possible from those leaves.

Spread this smoke throughout your house, but without fear or fear! In this way you can ward off all negative energies or spiritual presences.

You can and should perform this ritual for 7 consecutive days and you can always use the same dish. This period of time will be more than enough to clean all the negative energies and presences of a certain environment.

If you want to know more about why the glass of a candle smokes or turned black and its spiritual meaning, You can ask your question in the comment section below.


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