Battle of bikinazos between Colombian beauty queens

These beautiful women are the former beauty queens of Colombia and we leave them here for you to decide who is the sovereign of the bikini.

Gabriela Tafur, disappointed her followers with a spectacular bikini photo in which she shows why she could become Miss Universe.

Which of these Colombian beauty queens has the best bikini?

The bikinazo is not just putting on a bikini and taking a photo, it is knowing how to wear it naturally, as if that garment were part of you, as if you had always worn it on your skin.

Below we show you other bikinazos of some beauty queens who recently wore the crown; at the end of this note you will find a survey.

Andrea Tovar (2015)

Ariadna Gutierrez (2014)

Paulina Vega (2013)

Valerie Dominguez (2005)

Taliana Vargas (2007)

Vanessa Mendoza (2001)

Finally, Which of them do you think is more beautiful? Write what you think in the comments. And share this note on your social networks!