Batteries, love and love are not the same, do not get confused!

We often use these words in a relationship, what you don’t know is that misunderstood can bring you problems with the person you are dating.

To begin you must take into account the meaning of each word, for the RAE the verb «Love» it means «to have love for someone or something».

On the contrary, the RAE defines «Want» What “wish or pretend [algo]” Y to feel affection or love for [alguien]”. Also, when used as a verb it means “having the desire, will or intention to do, possess or achieve something”.

That’s the way it is, “Being in love with someone and loving a person are two very different things. Understanding the difference and being able to apply the knowledge to your own relationships is key to building a lasting relationship”.

Know the differences between Loving and Wanting

# 1. Want and love mean something different

When we love a person, we feel affection towards them a little stronger than normal and we have a feeling of possession, we want them to be ours.

When we love that person, we no longer want them to be ours, we need them and we give ourselves to them.

# 2. The signs of wanting or loving are different

You can also tell the difference between wanting and loving from the signs. If you are experiencing all the signs of falling in love, that is, you need to see that person all the time, you are on the phone every minute to find out about him or her and what they are doing, you have a high sexual desire, your judgment it is doubtful and you make decisions more lightly; These and others are signs of loving a person.

On the other hand, if what you feel is absolute trust and loyalty towards that person, patience in each one’s times, you are willing to make sacrifices for them, to think about their needs, you have the will to accept everything from them and fix the differences that may arise, then we are talking about that you love that person.

# 3. Wanting and loving do not feel the same

There are other types of feelings around wanting or loving that can also tell us what we truly feel for the person we are with.

In principle we can associate a feeling of euphoria to the stage in which we love that person, that type of excitement and that smile on our faces that does not go away, that brings with it falling in love and that can make us think that we love the other person, although this is not real yet. But feelings of anxiety or emptiness can also appear depending on how the relationship with this person develops.

Emotions, on the other hand, are deeper when we love, because we feel much freer to let those feelings surface. Affection, trust, stability, happiness and loyalty are a fundamental part of loving. We accept the other as is, and as it is, that’s why love is unconditional. In addition, at this time there is communication between the two and the desire to face as a couple the problems that may arise.

# 4. The temporality is different

It may seem a bit strange to you, but temporality is also part of the difference between wanting and loving. In love, time is now, it is the immediate moment in which we are falling in love and that, in some cases, can start quickly. The truth is that love does not always evolve and is a temporary feeling that can disappear.

With love it is different, because it is a process that occurs gradually over time. It does not need the immediate moment because when you love, you have already overcome that stage of falling in love, and it is a feeling that grows over time and can even last a lifetime. That yes, it is clear that nobody knows what the future holds, but in your present, you feel that unconditional love as an infinite love that can do nothing but continue to grow.

In the end, as the book The Little Prince explains, “To want is to take possession of something, of someone. It is looking for in others that which fulfills personal expectations of affection, of company. To want is to make ours what does not belong to us, it is to take ownership or desire something to complete us, because at some point we recognize ourselves”.

If you did not understand the difference between these two words, we leave you this song so that you understand better…

With information from The Women’s Guide