Another characteristic of the Baroque architecture It was his tendency to the infinite, which he achieved thanks to blurred the boundaries between spaces with mirrors. The lighting, through oval windows, was the author of Theatrical atmospheres of baroque architecturesince it was completely controlled and directed towards certain elements, whether sculptures, or a set of ornament where it highlighted the effect of depth and movement; It also helped increase the perception of infinity blurring contours.
For its part, The facades were mostly designed between pilasterseither between a pair, or a set, and despite having examples attached to the wall, the Baroque promoted its separation throughout its duration. The columns, or pilasters (for its term of the Italian Pilastro) They were reinterpretations of the classic orders with scrolls (curved auctions), and were accompanied by broken pediments and curved entablatments, that is, a kind of porch whose front was curved. Renaissance opponent, Baroque architecture increased the number of compositional axesunlike his predecessor style that sought absolute symmetry. Being polycentric, the Baroque spread to urbanism, and some palaces are known for being preceded by large roads and oval roundabouts.
In the Baroque, the churches and the castles were the buildings that enjoyed their splendor.Sigmund / Unspash.
What transmits baroque architecture?
To the words of Bruno Zevi, Italian architect and art critic of the twentieth century, Baroque architecture is «spatial liberationmental release from rules, conventions, elementary geometry and static. The liberation of symmetry and antithesis between the interior and exterior space ”.
The Baroque in the architecture appeals to be emotional, for its artistic inclinations and the intention of telling something through its elements. In his infinite search to create dynamic spaces, the Baroque ended up exploiting his interior atmospheres and transforming the spaces into a visual experience. The golden color, as well as the lights and trapantojos games They created a dialogue between architecture and the spectator.