Bag at home, how to identify them easily?

Detect a bedpower At home it is not an easy task, since it is a minor infestation, it is difficult to identify these small bugs before they spread in different furniture and spaces. Simple signs as spots on bedding or remains of the eggs of these bugs, they can indicate The presence of bed bugs At home, so we share everything you should know about it to identify and eradicate them.

It is very easy to detect bed bugs.

John Downer / Getty images.

How to identify bed bugs?

The first step when identifying The presence of bed bugs It is to confirm that, indeed, it is this plague. These bugs have a great resemblance to other insects and a life of up to one year. The bedbugs have flat and oval body from 5 to 7 millimeters longthey are reddish, brown or yellowish, in addition to having a beak, antenna, wings – although they don't fly – and short -colored gold hair. These produce a specific smell through the glands of your body that is sweet, but at the same time.

On the other hand, Bed eggs are usually tinyso many times they are difficult to see with the naked eye. White or pearl, females can put five to seven eggs per week, which have an incubation of 10 days, hence the difficult thing to eradicate this plague.

Why are there bed bugs?Castorly / Pexels.

What signs indicate the presence of bed bugs?

In addition to the bites that cause swelling and a reddish tone in people's skin, bed bugs leave physical signals in their path, so when cleaning certain spaces at home or changing bedding it is common to find: