Overweight and obesity are by definition a disease of multifactorial origin that often requires multidisciplinary treatment but in which, according to clinical evidence, poor eating habits are a constant among the majority of affected people.
Some of these habits are so common and performed so mechanically that it is difficult for the practitioner to tell them apart. Below is a list of the most common so that we can identify and transform our attitudes in order to achieve a healthy relationship with food, as well as a healthy life.
1. Start the day by skipping breakfast. Due to daily pressures, lack of time and long journeys to get to work, many people have the bad habit of not eating breakfast. Circumstance that, in addition to affecting people’s health due to the long period of fasting that occurs during sleep and the body’s need for vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron and zinc, among other nutrients, causes them to experience a sensation of hunger during the morning, and incur in an excessive meal at noon.
2. Eat quickly and without chewing food. Many times unconsciously, others due to lack of time or our poor organization, we are prone to eating too quickly and we do not give time for the neurophysiological mechanisms of food satiety to react so that we continue eating. The recommendation is to eat slowly, chew food properly and wait a few minutes between each dish.
3. Snack here and there between meals. Most of the time, because of anxiety or imitation and without being really hungry, we often eat sweets and foods that add calories to our body. The alternative is to eat a couple of habanera cookies at noon and mid-afternoon, eat a light yogurt or have a cup of tea.
4. Skipping meals. Once again, due to our poor organization of food, either because we snack on food here and there or because we eat a very large meal, we feel satisfied for many hours and do not eat the other meals. For this reason, it is important to keep a discipline in food and eat five meals a day with smaller doses between meals, such as habanera cookies, tea or yogurt.
5. Abuse of foods rich in fats and sugars. Although generally very pleasant to taste, we should avoid sausages, ice cream, cheese, cakes, nuts, sauces, etc. and replace them with fruits and vegetables, since in addition to containing fiber they have fewer calories.
6. Eating junk foods that invite you to continue eating them. Some foods such as chips, nuts, peanuts, gummies and cookies contain such an amount of salt and sweets that they increase appetite, so you should avoid buying them and stay away from them in meetings.
7. Excessive eating of so-called Light products. It is important not to confuse the properties of Light products and assume that they are not fattening, because even though they may contain fewer calories than other products, their disproportionate consumption can precisely cause weight gain.
8. Consume alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages provide a significant amount of calories to our intake, just to mention a few examples a glass of brandy provides two hundred fifteen calories, a beer ninety and a half glass of red wine eighty calories, or what is the same the equivalent of eat a steak
9. Go to the store hungry and accumulate cans in the cupboard. It is important not to bring temptations home, or buy food on a whim because the probability that you eat more than necessary is very high.
10. Do not drink water and drink liquids with sugar and gas. It is important not to add more sugar in liquid form to our body. Eight glasses of purified water daily is the best option for a healthy life.
Related Notes: 4 bad habits that accelerate aging, here.
Karen also tells us what are the bad eating habits, here.
Font: Health Magazine