Azalea: care for a very special flower

Being a very fragile plant you need to know about the azalea and care that you must give it to keep it colorful and beautiful.

In this case, you should know that, like hydrangeas and their care, the survival of azaleas depends a lot on your gardening skills and, obviously, on the time you can dedicate to pampering them.

Do not panic! It seems mission impossible but it is not. We are going to take care of teaching you the basic principles to make it flourish and make it the pride of your patio or the envy of your interior decoration.

azalea care

There are numerous varieties of this plant, so yours may be a different species, but generally speaking, they usually grow as small bushes and flowers of vivid hues. Initially, primary care can be highlighted, such as:

  • Give them a good location.
  • The temperature is perhaps their biggest drawback since they do not support sudden changes. outdoors You must protect them from very low temperatures and indoors from lack of humidity.
  • Give them a well-lit space but avoiding direct sunlight.

Where is the best place to plant an azalea?

For this, you should not suffer much, since it can grow and flourish both in outdoor spaces such as a patio, garden or terrace, as well as indoors such as a room or a room. Here the really important thing is to know that the azalea requires a lot of light, but not from direct contact with the sun because their eyes will wither soon. The semi-shade is its ideal place.

Caring for a potted azalea?

You should choose a slightly acidic soil. Choose that the pot is in a place with good humidity and close to light. It is important to have the soil in the pot with a little water and place the azalea there. You can use a fertilizer capable of providing nutrients and with a low pH. As for watering, should be done with rainwatertaking care that the soil is always moist.

How to make azaleas bloom?

The correct stimulation for the flowering of this beautiful plant is given through fertilizers rich in phosphorus and potassium. During the flowering stage, it is important pay it every 15 days to prevent the flowers from turning yellow. Pruning is also vital for buds to bloom at their best. You can do this process with tweezers to shape the leaves and clean them of dead branches.

How long do azalea flowers last?

As such, the plant, with the required care and consent, can last for many years without the roots rotting. The leaves of the flowers are the charm of the azalea for their bright colors in shades of pink, white and red, fuchsia and orange; at its peak of bloom, can last for weeks in spring, when the temperature is stable and the humidity is high.

Maybe you want to have sunflowers and learn about their care, we also teach you how to do it.

Do you have azaleas at home or have you had them at some point? Tell the community Vibrate your experience with a comment on our social networks.