Avril Lavigne died and was replaced?

the canadian Avril Lavigne exploded internationally at age 17 when her first album, let gosold 20 million copies. Avril became the youngest female solo artist to reach the top of the charts in the UK. Currently, with five studio albums released, she is also an actress, owner of a clothing brand and poster girl for three perfumes.

But, according to a Brazilian blog from 2011, the pressure of fame would have affected the girl, who went into depression. In September 2003, when he returned home to vent to his parents, Avril found no one – and therefore decided to take his own life. So, the businessman who had discovered her, LA Reid, came up with a plan to not lose his “goose that lays the golden eggs”.

Still according to the conspiracy theory, Reid would have hired a look-alike to replace the singer, without fans noticing. The chosen one had been Melissa Vandella, who already provided another service to Avril: Originally, it was used to throw off fans on the streets. From then on, she was reportedly revamped into a new version of the rocker pop star.

Evidence #1 – Appearance


Fans point out physical differences between the Avril “old” and “current”, such as the new shape of the nose (reported by the media in 2006) and the disappearance of certain birthmarks. The height of 1.58 m, recorded in 2002 on the internet, became 1.55 m. And even the voice would have changed, from mezzo to soprano – and the “new” Avril supposedly couldn’t reach the same notes as the original.

Evidence #2 – Albums


The singer’s second album, Under My Skin, which would be the first of the doppelganger, has a much darker theme than the first. The new Avril’s songs express loneliness and despair, something interpreted by fans as sadness at having abandoned her old life. It could be a form of expression or a call for help from the new Avril.

On the cover and in the booklet, Avril she appears alone, with a sad face, in dark photos, with lots of black and red – a reference to mourning and blood. It’s a strange contrast to the photos on the first album, where she’s happy, with the band, in vibrant color shots.

Evidence #3 – Songs

Some songs from the second album would narrate the supposed day of death of the real Avril, who would have committed suicide by hanging herself in her house, alone. The lyrics of “Nobody’s Home” say “nobody’s home, that’s where she lies broken inside”, while those of “My Happy Ending” say “don’t leave me waiting in a city so dead, hanging so high on a rope so fragile.»

Still according to the theory, the music video for “Nobody’s Home” would also confirm the rumor. One of the characters played by Avril is wearing black (a sign of mourning) and another is lost and far from her family, just as the singer would be feeling in real life. The code “A+D”, which appears quickly on the screen, would mean “Avril + Dead»(«Avril + Dead”)

(Wendell Araújo/)

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Evidence #4 – Style change


His personality also looks different. In 2002, the singer had told MTV Australia that she would not be one of the «pop girls who perform with dancers and playback». But, since then, she abandoned the skater style, dyed her hair blonde, started wearing more feminine clothes and recorded clips with dancers – attitudes contrary to what she previously preached.


The theory is based on easily debunked speculations

– Melissa Vandella, the supposed look-alike, is actually the creator of the biggest fan site dedicated to the singer. Physically, she looks nothing like Avril.

– The physical changes pointed out are based on photo essays full of image editing and artificial lighting. About the different nose, the plastic surgeon Danilo Pinheiro has a simple suggestion: “It could be a routine correction made in aesthetic rhinoplasties”.

– The difference in height could just be a mistake. After all, wrong or false information is common on the internet, isn’t it?

– “Contrary to what the theory says, the voice changes constantly. A teenager [como Avril no início da carreira] and an adult woman [como a Avril atual] they have different voices”, says the conductor of the Sinfonnieta Paulista, Nicholas Carrer Guerrero.

– The statement that “the old one was mezzo and the new one is soprano” was made without sufficient basis, only with videos and audios. “These vocal classifications exist, but they define the voice incorrectly”, explains Guerrero. Vocal exercises, the person’s daily metabolism and even the microphones used can all play a role.

– The symbology in Under My Skin and “Nobody’s Home” is open to interpretation. Album images can convey vulnerability and self-discovery. The story of the clip can show the loneliness and fears that the singer felt.

– Changes in opinion or attitude are part of the maturing process. In addition, pressures from the recording industry may have also influenced the new artistic direction his career took.

SOURCES Websites Avril lavigne, MTV Australia, avril is dead, Music World 200 It is acid black nerd
CONSULTANCY Fernando Caffarello, behavioral psychologist, Danilo Pinheiro, plastic surgeon, Nicholas Carrer Guerrero, conductor of the Sinfonnieta Paulista, and Bruno Honorio, semiotics researcher

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