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Luna Despierta

Soy una animista, politeísta, que ha estado recorriendo este camino durante largo tiempo, codirectora de un aquelarre familiar y una sacerdotisa dedicada a una Dama muy especial cuya presencia en mi vida estoy continuamente agradecida. Mi práctica personal es orgánica, basada en la tierra y llena de espíritus, conversación, pies descalzos y risas.

32 Dog Breeds That Don't Bark

Barking is usually part of dogs' natural communication. But there are also some breeds that naturally bark very rarely or not at all. Basically, all four-legged friends can be trained to stop barking. However, for some breeds this can be…

Dog doesn't respond to me

If dogs do not respond to their master, this may indicate errors in training or an incorrect feedback system. However, under certain circumstances it can also be a sign of existing pain, hearing loss, a lack of trust or even…

38 family dogs that don't shed

Family dogs are breeds that are primarily used for entertainment rather than performing specific tasks. Some of them hardly shed at all. Compared to working dogs, they generally need significantly less exercise and physical activity. But their need for attention…

The 15 Best Low Fat Treats for Dogs

Some treats consist of up to 50% fat and are therefore absolute calorie bombs. Here you will learn about the 16 best low-fat dog treats. A healthy dog ​​diet should contain between 10-15% fat. Most commercially available dry food is…