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Luna Despierta

Soy una animista, politeísta, que ha estado recorriendo este camino durante largo tiempo, codirectora de un aquelarre familiar y una sacerdotisa dedicada a una Dama muy especial cuya presencia en mi vida estoy continuamente agradecida. Mi práctica personal es orgánica, basada en la tierra y llena de espíritus, conversación, pies descalzos y risas.

That's what he wants to tell you

Does your dog growl like a bear? Then that's not necessarily a reason to worry. Many causes are completely harmless, you don't have to worry about aggressive behavior with these sounds. In some cases, frequent humming on various occasions can…

Why dogs roll | Dog lovers 24

The dog rolls on its back: why? Rolling is not limited to dogs. Other mammals also like to roll around on their backs, and not just in the dirt. This often has a very banal reason: animals cannot scratch themselves…

10 reasons & 6 solutions

If a dog suddenly starts Choking sounds It's quite a frightening moment for many animal lovers. They often become even more frightened when he does so afterwards white mucus eliminated. Fortunately, most of the causes that lead to this are…