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Luna Despierta

Soy una animista, politeísta, que ha estado recorriendo este camino durante largo tiempo, codirectora de un aquelarre familiar y una sacerdotisa dedicada a una Dama muy especial cuya presencia en mi vida estoy continuamente agradecida. Mi práctica personal es orgánica, basada en la tierra y llena de espíritus, conversación, pies descalzos y risas.

Anifit dog food test

The best Anifit dog food in the test & comparison Anifit Widow Bolte's Terror Anifit Easy Barf Horse Anifit to the Golden Ox Anifit Schäfer's pan Anifit RYANIMAL Vital Menu Pure Goat Meat In our dog food test & comparison,…

Dog sleeps a lot: causes & solutions

5. Pains Pains However, they can also be caused by things other than infections or injuries. Chronic suffering, For example, joint diseases such as arthritis or arthrosis also lead to the dog resting as much as possible. Then he prefers…

【How to get your puppy to drink

Why Does my dog ​​child not drink anything? The Getting used to a new home is a very special time for dog and owner: Not everything always goes smoothly from the start, for the little four-legged friend the first moments…

Dog food supplements for joints test

The tablets have a strong, fishy aroma, What may bother us humans, but dogs seem to be very happy about: Experience reports show that almost all four-legged friends are very happy to take the product. However, the pellets are somewhat…