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Luna Despierta

Soy una animista, politeísta, que ha estado recorriendo este camino durante largo tiempo, codirectora de un aquelarre familiar y una sacerdotisa dedicada a una Dama muy especial cuya presencia en mi vida estoy continuamente agradecida. Mi práctica personal es orgánica, basada en la tierra y llena de espíritus, conversación, pies descalzos y risas.

12 strange dog noises + meaning

Many dog ​​breeds are known for making strange noises on a regular basis. Here you will find a list of the 12 most common sounds and their meaning. In most cases, the following sounds are completely normal and harmless. In…

Dog breathes quickly with mouth closed

If dogs breathe quickly with their mouths closed, this is usually due to narrowed nostrils in certain breeds. Under certain circumstances, anemia, onion poisoning, allergies, bronchitis or even heart failure can also be behind it. When you breathe quickly, doctors…

37 brown hunting dog breeds with pictures [2024] –

Hunting dogs come in all colors and coat lengths. However, the following 37 breeds are exclusively brown: #1 Chesapeake Bay Retriever#2 Boykin Spaniel#3 American Water Spaniel#4 Pharaoh Hound#5 Redbone Coonhound#6 Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever#7 Short-Haired Hungarian Pointer#8 Pudelpointer#9 Bavarian…

27 largest dog breeds in the world

Dogs are still genetically very closely related to wolves. However, there are some dog breeds that are even significantly larger than their ancestors. In addition to race, nutrition and genetics also play a role. This explains why two four-legged friends…

Swollen teat in a dog | 8 causes [2024] –

If dogs have swollen teats, it is usually a sign of pregnancy or hormonal fluctuations. Under certain circumstances, it can also indicate inflammation of the mammary glands, allergies, injuries, cysts or anemia. In practice, such swellings occur much more frequently…