Imagen por defecto

Luna Despierta

Soy una animista, politeísta, que ha estado recorriendo este camino durante largo tiempo, codirectora de un aquelarre familiar y una sacerdotisa dedicada a una Dama muy especial cuya presencia en mi vida estoy continuamente agradecida. Mi práctica personal es orgánica, basada en la tierra y llena de espíritus, conversación, pies descalzos y risas.

Dog breathes quickly in sleep

If dogs breathe very quickly while sleeping, it may be due to narrowed nostrils or their young age. However, poisoning, anemia, asthma, sleep apnea or even heart failure may also be behind it. Doctors refer to this as “tachypnea”. This…

Dog looks tired and sad

If dogs suddenly seem tired and sad, this could be a sign of poisoning or depression. Under certain circumstances, the lethargic behavior can also be due to dementia, allergies, viral infections, an underactive thyroid or other pain. In principle, there…

51 dogs with long hair

Dogs come with different coat lengths – short, medium and long. The following 51 dog breeds generally have very long hair: #1 Shih Tzu#2 Afghan Hound#3 Skye Terrier#4 Cao da Serra de Aires#5 Wolfspitz#6 Bearded Collie#7 English Setters#8 Puli#9 American…