Attorney General’s Office to apologize to Carolina Sabino, sister of Lina Luna

Judge ordered Attorney General’s Office to apologize to Carolina Sabino and pay compensation for emotional and career damage.

This actress and singer had a golden age in her career, in which she became the protagonist of several of the most successful productions of her time, such as guajira Y The Juanas.

However, his career was hit by several unfortunate events. First, due to a car accident in which a person died and then the issue of his abortion.

Attorney General’s Office to apologize to Carolina Sabino for this

It all started when in 2014, his sister, also an artist Lina Luna, was involved in proceedings with the Prosecutor’s Office for being the wife of hacker Andrés Sepúlveda.

Some time later, the Prosecutor’s Office made public an abortion that Carolina would have practiced and of which the entity learned through some audios belonging to the process of her brother-in-law.

For this reason, she saw her privacy violated, and her career was also harmed due to the prejudices that society has about abortion.

According to several national media reports, a judge ruled in favor of the artist and ordered the Prosecutor’s Office to pay compensation of 100 SMLV, in addition to carrying out a public atonement and training on sexual and reproductive rights.

Image: API Agency

Some consider this historic ruling and relate it to the apology that the Minister of Defense must offer the country for the excesses of ESMAD, ordered by the Supreme Court of Justice.

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