Attitudes of a womanizing man that you should recognize

Not sure if the guy you’re dating is a dog? we tell you some attitudes of a womanizing man with which you can detect it.

When you start dating someone and you’re just getting to know him, it’s hard to know if he’s a dog, because you only see what he shows you, unlike if you hang out with a friend or co-worker, whom you already know.

So how do you know if you’re dating a womanizer? There are some attitudes that no man can hide when he is a «woman lover» (ie: dog). Get to know them!

6 attitudes of a womanizing man that you can identify

1. She has a lot of friends

It’s normal for a woman to have friends and for a man to have friends, but if these «friends» are intense, constantly calling and texting him, it could be that they’re falling for them too (or even his other girlfriends).

2. He is TOO sure of himself

Not only does he have a very strong ego, but he also exudes self-confidence. He is used to getting what he wants, so he does not hesitate or waver and often imposes his will on him.

3. He is not interested in commitment

Look at his social media posts, the phrases he unexpectedly releases in his social circles, etc. If you notice that she announces her singleness to the 4 winds (despite dating you) surely you are not the only one.

In addition, he often clarifies that one day he wants to get married and start a family, but that the time has not yet come and that it is still many years away.

4. He treats you differently in public

It is likely that in front of his friends or colleagues he does not treat you as his girlfriend, but as a friend, and that he behaves distantly with you, because he wants to give the impression that you are not serious.

5. He is jealous and possessive

Here we can apply the saying “as he does them, he imagines them”. A dog type will hardly accept that his partner has other boys and, in fact, he is probably excessively possessive and controlling. You will recognize this and other macho behaviors in him.

6. He is excessively reserved

Take care and defend your privacy tooth and nail. You will discover that despite the trust and mutual coexistence that they begin to develop, there are aspects of their life that they hide with total secrecy. It is likely that he will get angry if you insist on knowing certain aspects of his life.

Do you feel identified? Batteries with that! Tell us your story in the comments and share this note on your social networks, many friends will thank you.

With information from: dazzlingnews